This wotan dude

the aa trello’s prob not canon anymore but i remember trigno being considered REALLY weak

He’s considered equal to Rupin, so he’s definitely strong enough to keep up with people like Julian.

rupin was also considered really weak…

Rupin is not “really weak”. At lowest, he’s in the middle levels of Curse User, Rupin and Trigno are blessed with 2 curses capable of easily beating the likes of Julian, Morden, Calvus etc.

why are we comparing them to julian I don’t think Julian is that strong anyway
here’s the list btw but it’s prob not canon anymore

Julian is the only curse user we’ve seen fight in AO
(+ according to @puppykeeper1234, hes strong enough to survive against valencia :skull:

bro :skull:

I said he could survive her attack that killed morock by saving himself from falling into the water, how about you read?

Which wouldn’t work lol
(refer to above)

she didn’t kill him directly he just fell off the damaged ship that was about to get torn apart lol

jesus christ this arguement has been going on for so long
its basically unstoppable force vs immovable object

julian needs to get put on fraud watch

like ok good job he 1 shot a tired unawakened player after they were overworked and underfed in the mines for a month then fought one of the ravenna nobles (the impact didn’t even break the ground)

then his fight with morden only breaks a few windows like come on he’s a curse user he should be strong enough to blow up half the castle

and he doesn’t even kill morden like i get the death curse is a strong one but this guy is a general who’s been supposedly training and experiencing combat for a large chunk of his life while morden is just some twink who just got a curse

An unstoppable force (Morock) vs a soon to be conquered object (everyone else)

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Wouldn’t work, we see him fly even in pieces as he reassembles himself after he rams us.

Blud he died as a result of her attack, that is the defenition of her attack killed him, what you are saying makes no sense, direct or not, her attack killed Morock

the strength of her attack hitting morock wasn’t what killed him
it just made him fall into the water

Would, since Glass conducts Sound. Either in Human or Elemental form, he is getting his shit rocked. Julian is the biggest all bark no bite fighter throughout the Arcane World.

What if he just doesnt turn into glass when it hits

i suggest reading about morock’s death before writing bs

Then he just gets his ship destroyed and faces the same issue as Morock, which is you do not want to be an Elemental-Curse user on the opposing side of Valencia in a naval battle.
(if your name isnt cursebeard)

Give me a canon source to read his full lore off of