This wotan dude

thats my username u can make one inside ur profile settings

Lend me your power prometheus this is base valencia weā€™re fighting

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I donā€™t remember him ever saying the AG was destroyed by Chaos, but he has stated it was due to Durzaā€™s self implosion in the past.

Landon however was in fact stated to have been killed by Chaos though.

Which is why he solos everyone in the arcane universe but Chaos and likely ā€œCreationā€ cough cough.


okay that makes more sense

thank u!!

never knew the one piece was a fucking necklace with a horrendous method of obtainment LOL

interesting how you have a crocodile themed account yet have ur favourite magic as water not sand and ur favourite build as warrior but not mage (df users, or at the very least a magic based build)

very ironic ngl

Oh really? Give me a canon cutscenes/boss fight with Morock Creed where he wins, Iā€™m waiting.

Bro couldnā€™t even be bothered to read Morockā€™s lore or the thread.
Using that logic, give me one canon cutscene with Cursebeard.
Give me one canon cutscene with Wotan where he wins.

That is the most cope-full stupid argument ever. Morockā€™s feats are spoken, along with 90% of all other characters in the Arcane World because they have no canon representation.

he killed prometheus

Not a cutscene, and thatā€™s why his argument is stupid. Using his logic, Cursebeard is featless because nothing he did was directly shown, only ever spoken.

it was a boss fight he won, they asked for those too

What are you on about? At what point in any canon AA media did Cursebeard even show up? Again, the argument made previously is stupid because it voids everything that was not directly shown.

the lore doc, he kills prometheus in it, iā€™d say thatā€™s a boss fight he won

Sock, you clearly didnā€™t read.

i would say killing prometheus was a boss fight he won

Sock this has to be bait :sob:

how would fighting a god not be worthy of being called a boss fight

Sock, please, please read this through. A boss-fight is a term that applies to video-games dawg

The fact youā€™re defending this smooth brain argument of
ā€œITS NOT SHOWN, ITS ONLY SPOKEN ITS NOT CANON!!ā€ when 90% of all Arcaneā€™s lore is written is justā€¦ concerning

Yeah exactly, Morock couldnā€™t even fight a bunch of measly AG ships
He has won 0 fights

but they canā€™t mean that because if it was an in game boss fight then of course itā€™d be an impossible request, the player will win no matter what, theyā€™re asking for any major fight in lore that morock has won, one worthy enough to be deemed a boss fight

also boss fight doesnā€™t just have to apply to video games, if i were to ask you who the final boss of a show or book was, you would understand what iā€™m saying