Thoughts on 1.16 balance doc?

nah man that thing is bad, any tp move, aoe move, grab move punish it

Was there a correct answer to that question or something?

If you wanted me to answer a certain way, you could’ve framed your question a bit better.

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that would be so absurdly disastrous for the game

rage. if it nerfs my build i dont care how good the change is i feel rage

No idea why bteam is balancing the game like it’s a competitive esports title :skull:
Like, what the fuck is the point of those number changes? 12.5% reduction on 25% of your stats? Oh no, 1.5% less stats???

I want to say “I’ll wait until balancing settles down” to start playing/get invested again but it seems like it will never end, lmao

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because people keep complaining about it

people will always complain though. And at times it feels like the doc is chock full of super-niche filler that hardly ever affects PvP.


new balance change: every ao player will experience limb loss irl because good aim is too op

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My personal least favorite part of recent balance is how the 3 new nimbus sea armor stats were each individually gutted almost immediately after being implemented (some of it was bugs, but still)

Resistance is losing its ability to increase blocking power. While I agree having your incoming damage reduced by 97% followed by 45% as a fully minmaxxed resistance Ice mage is OP, I still think resistance should have a say in the blocking equasion, just not at its full power.

Regeneration is being changed to a flat buff rather than a percentage increase. This would be fine if it came with a flat increase to the stat as well, because in its current state it requires that you be fully minmaxxed into it for a noticable effect. The stat is just so weak right now that my max regen knight still has to draw out the fight against his rival for ~5 minutes to leverage the regen for victory. And rivals don’t even regen like players do.

From what I’ve heard there is no reason whatsoever to run armor piercing, it’s just bad power. Very few players run high defense builds, and even then that can be countered just as well with more power. The only real ability it gives you is dealing damage through blocks, which once again you can just do with more power. Blocking builds are also expensive as heck and VERY rare to see, because they’re still more of a meme build than anything useful, and even THEN you can just use grabs.

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maybe, but i’d rather have them trying to balance the game

People really sleep on agility it’s really good on like half of the classes in the game

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It’s really not worth over more of other stats, excepts of you’re a Light Mage or a FotS spamming Warrior

image :upside_down_face:



evil balancers

They saw my Paladin’s attack speed and shuddered.

Near-instant 20 Blasts my beloved :heart:

Why?? Just why?? Attack speed is gonna become the next thermo fist :sob:

Crazy how stacking every regen boosting thing makes something very specific very strong. That’s like me using a max damage blast with max power + Power Potion then saying power builds do a lot of damage (they do, but I added other stuff that made it extra).
Anyways, Regen being additive makes it better for non-vit builds to invest into, but less potent for the actual vit builds. It should probably be a mix of the two imo. Say, if a max regen build gives +10 regen now, the flat is redued to 5 and an additional 50% boost or something is given. If base regen right now without vit is around 10 (just as an example), then it’d still give the +10, but get better for vit builds.

balance team on their way to do the most unnecessary nerfs

my poor build :sob:

Max Power is actually less of a problem than the full stacking of regen effects