Thoughts on Arcane Reborn compared to AO


AR might stay at 100, maybe rise to 500 players if it updates. The die hard vetex haters and the Max levels with 100+ hours would probavly stay

Only the hardcore vetex haters will keep playing AR, tho that may be a pretty large percentage of the AR community. I’m sure there are many people who are just playing it in absence of a good naval game tho so their player count will definitely take a hit.

A sunk cost, sometimes called a retrospective cost, refers to an investment already incurred that can’t be recovered . Examples of sunk costs in business include marketing, research, new software installation or equipment, salaries and benefits, or facilities expenses.

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It’s like spending so much time grinding for a boss drop or a certain set in a game that it just isn’t worth it to stop now

Except its a fallacy, so that means that it’s actually not true. You’re invested and tell yourself no reason to stop even if it is better to stop.

saying AO will kill AR is kinda weird to me tbh. They’re completely different games, it’s like saying the latest Battlefield will kill COD

i wouldn’t say they’re completely different games, they fill in the exact same niche, on the same platform, both as easily accesible as the other, its not lke ones a paid game and the other isn’t, meaning one will get players and the other wont, they’re both free, with one having higher quality and being more up to date with the platform

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they share similarities yea but the way you play the game, the combat, grind, and general gameplay loop are completely different once you get down to it. All comes down to personal preference

Common deer W

bro guys I fell asleep and nap like little baby boy now im ashamed make me feel better

average AR player:


can confirm this is true (i am an ar player)

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stealing this image

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Nuff said.

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im ngl i’ve always disliked this take, Yes, they are different games , HOWEVER the thing that people who say this don’t understand is that their targeted audience is practically the same. As long as two games have even remotely similar targeted audiences, they will have a push-end-pull effects on eachother, take YBA and AUT (both boring jojo games), they are not similar at all, yet when AUT released its total rework, YBA straight up dipped in player count by like 70% when it released just because got fans from the other game to switch to check it out. Now if two completely different games that parody the same thing manage to affect eachother that much, what do you think when two Successors (one as a sequel, one as a remake) are competing. Pretty obvious that AO will kill AR, even if AR magically drops the 4th sea in the exact same day. Now this is all short term, but this also affects long term. Tell my, why would people, when getting a taste of (most likely a better game idk I’m not the tester here :person_shrugging: ) switch to a much more inferior game besides one most likely having more content at the time (idk how much content AO has so I’m assuming less than all 3 seas). Doesn’t make sense to me unless vetex decides to make the game have painfully slow updates, in which people will prob switch to AR temporarily, then most likely get bored of AR, especially the people who already beat the game. The only people who would really linger around are as I’ve said before, the die-hard “Fuck vetex” people and the people who still think that grinding AR 12 hours a day will turn up some profit when AR will “eventually pop-off”, so even in the long run AR will definently take a large amount of damage.

so tl;dr: the claim that “two games are different so they wont have an effect on eachother” is one of the , most stupid-brain claim that i’ve ever seen, AO will kill AR

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I feel like AO will definitely sweep away most if not all of ARs player count. Hasn’t AR been on the Prometheus boss fight part of the storyline forever now?

what the actual fuck, why are the odds fucking 0.75% for something with many times the hp of prometheus that can also fucking heal

now i don’t know the stats of the armor/accessory but the weapon is fair at that rate, since its pretty much a legendary weapon that wont be stolen from you.