Thoughts on casual players?

Vetex did make it so you don’t get penalized for picking negative synergies by not applying the debuff If it just comes from you, but no one really does that

A little more than just encouragement, it’s the entire point of synergies.

I don’t think there’s a solution though because the more you take the more magics become just the same

I feel like being able to change magic will help both extreme sides greatly.

The metamancers will be able to switch their magic to match their needs and the people who want to pick what they think is fun will feel more inclined to because they won’t feel nearly as tied down as they are now.

me when I accidentally picked the meta because it was cool:

(thermo warlock at the time)

My first file was planned to be a Magma Ash Mage on release…

Lists of ways of handling Pvp

I hope you didn’t think i forgot to post the list when the Thread got closed. It may have opened sooner than expected but i still haven’t forgotten.

  1. Fight Back
    a. Do it to the best of your ability if u so wish
    b. If you’re forced into it, might as well try to get a good fight in… right…?
    c. If you’re forced into it given your preparedness at least you can be the most unfun annoying thing to fight against ever.

  2. Reset
    a. If all is lost anyways… Might as well just starve them of any semblance of fighting at least right…? Half felt directly served victories are always something that feel good i hear~

  3. Serverhop
    a. As annoying and likely infuriatingly it can be, this can be used as a last resort if you can see the person coming up to attack you. By harnessing the RL, DW or Both logging skills (Assuming you played them and if not good) you too can utilize this skill.

  4. Running away.
    a1. I bet you’re glad to see this option somewhat be back now that the weird wacky dashing exhaustion thing we saw is gone now huh?
    a2. If u have high enough Agility, especially if you have agility potions and the like then running away just might be the way for you~

  5. Don’t have more than 100k+ Renown
    a. High renown = A Legal Non-existent Contract was signed that you withhold the rights to complain about Renown loss and SOME of Pvp Encounters. No Renown refunds
    This includes you at ur now newfound 490k to 460k renown last i saw you.

    b. You can quickly serverhop/hunt the desired Deckhands available and then reset your Renown. Or if you’re into a little risk and slightly gurantees you can hunt for the oh so precious 200k renown requirement Legendary Deck Hands, and then immediately reset ur Renown.

(Do note that having Renown well below this or not is not enough to gurantee no Pvp situations.)

  1. Island Hopping.
    a. I know too well of this experience personally awhile ago before the Brewing Update. Hopping around Islands when being chased and then logging if ur able to do all of it is likely to make the person either give up or be frustrated at being unable to catch up/find you.

  2. Potions.
    a. Love Gels are likely to end any pvp situation right there. If they are of the Sweating Variety that have some of their own then simply carry 10-20x more than the amount of love potions they have.
    b. Ironskin Gels are also a nice option to help stop a fight as they are now likely so slow that they almost don’t have the hopes of catching up to you if you combine #4~
    c. Slowness Gels (I see you’ve read the new Balance Doc additions that are now hopefully applying for v1.14 haven’t you.) Much like Ironskin it’ll have the same efffect and it’ll be more funny if you stack them w/ it too.

Thats all i can think of atm… Lemme know some other things you wish add/give input to.

Also i look away for roughly 10 minutes and you guys have already devolved into getting the Thread locked for the night

Crap i spoke too soon.

Atleast biweekly balancing

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yeah, but what is FUN for players shouldnt be any less good for pvp than whats meta, like players shouldnt really feel the NEED to switch magics j bc it isnt meta, which is obv difficult cuz making a perfectly balanced system is by no means a simple task.

youre right tho if players were able to change their magic then players who were discouraged from others about their build not being ‘good enough’ then theyd be more inclined to stay since they could do more research into what IS meta and easily switch if what they really wanted was to become good at pvp.

but i still think players should simply be able to pick what they think is genuinely cool and still be good at pvp cuz thatd make them feel more validated, badass, and they might enjoy their time more.


getting 200k renown for legendary deckhands doesn’t work, since deckhands level up based on your renown too. 10k renown levels up a legendary deckhand once (and you can’t lose it or else you have to get back to where you were before it keeps going up), which is sometimes required to make them stronger (looking at speed deckhands especially)

Anyways, stuff being moved aside i personally do not see the issue w/ Casual players existing and hope that things get better to the point where i don’t have to get jumped by some random 490k+ (Now 460k+ cause i killed them twice miraculously on crappy underinvested gear.) on the Conjurer file i decided to randomly play for the heck of it.

I sort of classify as a Casual player since i don’t Pvp practically at all but the grind i have since the start of Wom would lead you, myself and others to think otherwise…

Paired w/ 28 files. Sort of blurs the line i stand on doesn’t it…

real, i grind for all the necessary PVP boss drop buffs and potions and jewelcrafting, but to actually stand a chance in a fight? nope.

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Its mostly in reference to seeing the lowest lvl a Legendary Deck Hand can be which will have a requirement of 200k it seems.
@SomewhatUnnamed You seem to know more about this than i do so is there also anything more to add towards this?


Yeah i agree though, the 20% bleeding synergy buff to fire and lightning really pushed them up for metamancers to use. fire specifically, because if fire has 20% now then shouldn’t thermo also have 20% more damage?

it doesn’t matter if the initial requirement to gain is low

if you want to level up that deckhand, you need as much fame as it’d take to hire or upgrade them if they’re at that level, and for deckhands that give small amounts of a stat (speed and turn speed are the big ones) then this can mean you’re not getting much out of the deckhand even though you have it

But with the latest updates, now you also get to miss out on a whole part of the game: Clans. Jist yserday I was jewelcrafting when I got jumped and killed and I lost 350 infamy.

Honestly, with the PVP culture I’ve been considering not playing until the dark sea update. I already have enough money to get my hands on the brig, and enough to get my friend a brig too. I don’t want to lose fame or infamy.

That’s valid. PvPers who are too dumb to even try to do anything else but jump people are all around the corner, and unless you want to love infamy (if you’re in a clan) or renown and galleons, it might just be the best option

im not either, i stopped playing a couple days ago im so sick of bounty hunters and pvpers. like i j wanted to get a high fame so that i could get deckhands, but i dont really give a shit anymore as ive gone from 50000 to 1000 SO quickly bc of them.

like misinput said since dark sea is legit a pve players dream im waiting for that bc the boats n shit is what i like most… also i like stories too.

Correct, but the thing about this though is that once i get my Deckhands, given the current system we have, i almost have no reason to upgrade them any further than what i initially can…

So until the Deck hand system hopefully gets revised/improved on upgrading for me and probably many others isn’t something thats considered when picking them. I take what i can simply get cause i ain’t grinding to 1.25m Renown or something just to see the light day of maxing them out. (If thats even the current requirement… I don’t remember enough or care enough to think to that high amount since it’s just asking to get into Pvp sweat territory.)

I mostly choose them if they have the right stat, cool enough name, and adequate drip. Once those 3 are met im happy.

it is 1.25m renown, i saw a legendary level 125 for hire and it costed that much

In my opinion, all deckhands of a specific tier should cost the same amount of fame, and then the levels determine how many galleons it costs to upgrade them. Then, deckhands gain XP whenever you do.