Thoughts on fighting styles mastery system?

Yeah, and learning techniques from them could be a thing too

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i agree with this aspect, but with the addition of making you play the game casually and do events, pve/pvp, etc. being a way better way to lvl it up than auto clicking somewhere.

for the last mastery tier since there’s 5 of them the final one would be an npc/mentor that’s at the master lvl that u learn from the inital 4 tiers mentor that he exists where u go find and duke it out with him. instantly gain the tier and then questline for the rest of the skills and what not and take up their mentorship.

it over all is a really decent system just us needing to wait for the continuation of it then fine tunning it whenever we get it.

i don’t really care tbh, if it really takes that long i’ll just autoclick and go to sleep or something

I like how it makes fighting styles different from the other forms of combat.

all your techniques are reset. Scrolls are consumed on use so yeah you’d have to grind for your techniques again.

^ This.

I just really despise the current mastery system, not only is it just a waste of time but isn’t too detailed as well.

Instead of the mastery system lets say encouraging fighting or just any activity the best method of leveling it is macroing for 30 minutes or developing carpal tunnel. You could say the current mastery system is fine because “not everybody will do it” but certain moves and tiers (that increase AoE iirc) are locked behind mastery, so you NEED to do it to get the same size attacks.

He could change it to so many things like making punching air less efficient and giving increased exp for punching npcs, killing npcs with FS, killing boss mirages with FS, killing rivals with FS, etc. Legit anything to encourage the player to PLAY and not macro it

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Terrible decision.

  1. You’re literally punching the air. No bonuses for anything special.

  2. Guilds are going to frequently attempt to switch around fighting styles, as different islands may have varying requirements for combat mobility, meaning that there will probably be just a bunch of people punching the air during “guild wars.”

  3. People do best in combat when they manage their abilities and stamina, not blindly use them as soon as they are available. This system causes two conflicting interests to form: Do I waste attacks to master the fighting style faster, or do I use stamina sparingly to win the fight? Of course, this ends up becoming a non-issue for players with already mastered fighting styles.

  4. The closest thing I can think of where this might be a strategic system is during a “guild war” where you can’t just punch air to win (since the enemy clan would capture all the islands while you were punching air), but play a little too aggressively just to use abilities more for faster mastery of a fighting style. The reason why you wouldn’t already have fully mastered fighting styles is because the enemy clan switched to fighting in or capturing environments your current fighting styles are not suited to fighting in.

However, this is merely a small setback on this awesome game. Even though I’m planning to have a four-way Savant file, I don’t think punching the air will be that much of a nuisance. I’ll just farm low-level bandits; the game’s basic combat seems fun enough.

That being said, I still strongly believe more should be added onto the mastery system for fighting styles. Mashing a button to gain progress in what could effectively be the middle of nowhere is not fun. An outstanding combat system exists in the game—utilize it.


I 100% agree, while this system doesn’t ruin AO that doesn’t mean it should stay this way, I’m not hyped for AO because of some low effort systems that you don’t even need to be at the keyboard to do

maybe skill is worth double if it hits someone(npc or player)

Wrong. You need to use techniques to gain mastery. Still fairly easy but it ain’t M1’s.

This is a means to prevent it in order for people to stop swapping around fighting styles to get whichever one is meta while still allowing others to get the fighting style they like. You should not bevable to freely swap at a price of 200 galleons. No one is going to be trying to gain master mid combat when they could have completely finished it an hour before hand. You’d need to be in some major luck to find more than two people who use FS in a guild not having mastered it and they are on alone.

Unless you have a single digit IQ then this is a no brainer. Obviously one is going to wait and not just aimlessly spam their attacks. I am sure new players will do it but not to gain mastery though I can’t speak for all of them anc some might. But anyone with the slightest clue what they are doing will not just spam their attacks. Besides this AO combat. Not exactly the slowest paced combat system, you can probably max out mastery with an hour’s worth of pvp.

What apart of this system is strategic. What about this system gave off the idea that this was strategic? It is a linear path that you do for each fighting style you obtain. There is no strategy at play. You max it out by playing the game then never worry about it again, unless you swap fighting styles

I will agree that punching air is boring. I think it should be damage done with the fighting style since that pretty much can’t be macro’d, is more interactive, and promotes, y’know, playing the game and using this fighting style. Just a better decision imo to let it only go up by hitting/defeating/killing enemies.

Nope that’s incorrect, you can use m1s I asked crimson earlier today

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Really? Trello said “techniques”. Hm. My bad. :nod:

Yea you’re not wrong, I just asked crimson cause they’re doing a fighting style run in tu so they would know

Which is why either mastery exp should be increased when fighting npcs/players or have the mentor have a random set of quests that you can choose to get a larger chunk of mastery exp that relate to the theme of the fighting style like boxing having a quest to hunt and defeat someone from the bounty board who’s equal or higher level to you
Another example of this could be for sailors fist and locating and defeating a sea monster

oh no, vetex reply

Bro no one is going to waste time and resources just to master the fighting style during a fight.

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No way you’re this delusional.

Yes, the entire point of the system is to make it more difficult to change fighting styles, not to get something special for punching the air

No one, and I mean no one, is going to be thinking about leveling up a fighting style mid-fight or mid-guild war, this is actually the dumbest thing I’ve read in weeks. Do you also leave a guild war when you see an NPC to kill them and get XP? Like what kind of logic is this

No one is going to be switching fighting styles mid fight bruh what are you even saying

You won’t need to, you can literally level it by playing the game normally


Would you consider adding alternate methods of gaining mastery like boosting the exp while fighting npcs or having quests that the mentors give?

I dont wanna beg but since your on the forums i just have to ask. Can you please post on twitter :fr:

Quick question: Will there be little to no reason to switch out a fighting style at max level other than “I want to try a new playstyle.”?

Sorry if I was unclear; I meant “special” as in more mastery gained if you hit someone or deal damage instead of punching the air. Not stuff like extra items or EXP.

Yes, this is probably me being “delusional”. I would have legitimately considered “leaving” a guild war for a day or two to grind NPC’s to level up. Another argument I have is that since training a fighting style is done the fastest when people just punch the air instead of actually fighting (since you can’t just spam abilities and M1’s during a fight), people will try to use the “punch air” method, leading to a short but still boring period of the game where you just press buttons without aiming at anything.

Good argument. I can’t refute this.

Here’s one argument in favor of the system: Punching the air is going to leave you at a relatively low level once you master your fighting style, since you didn’t defeat any enemies. You would then need to defeat enemies for EXP, which you could have already done if you defeated enemies to master your fighting style. It seems like defeating enemies to naturally master your fighting style pulls double duty by also giving you EXP too.