Tier List for all Upcoming 190 Magic Combos

Can’t wait to see how many spells will be possible including Lost Spells

May I ask why Ash/Plasma is above Ash/Fire (or am I reading that incorrect?)

would it be a bad idea to just pick two magics i like rather than pick a slow ass magic that does no dmg for my second just to have a 20%+ damage boost to my first magic

That one’s actually intentional.

I’m expecting Wind/Ice to be a big meta-shaper - the two combos are almost identical, except Plasma/Ash works against Wind/Ice but Fire/Ash doesn’t.

If you want to be an optimal metamancer then yes! Ice offers an excellent complement of status clearers when paired with wind, allowing you to completely negate the whole point of the new update by clearing your opponent’s cool synergy and just soloing them with wind.

if you want to have fun, yea you can probably just pick something you like

:wind_magic_var1: :shadow_magic:


Better! There’s actually only 1,140.
If you start now you might get the tierlist finished before the update.


edit: wait, the bastards at Tiermaker have cut my tierlist short - it stops about halfway through >:(

edit 2: ok, looks like I can upload as many images as I like, but I have to do it in batches of ~ 300
I also can’t remove images so I’ll have to remake the list - one moment

edit 3: All sorted! I’ve updated the link, apologies for the brief disruption to your tier list creating activities.

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how the hell did you make the icons that fast

im going to start this tier list and probably quit at like 5 combos

same way I made the first set of icons
about 20 lines of code
an army of image-editing slaves

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you the slave here, little banana

gonna try and rate the aesthetics. wish me luck


got this far

Ya I mixed up my math and divided by 3 instead of 6.
At 5 magics it would actually be 29,750 combos

Edited again, I have memory loss and did it wrong again.

here we go, organized by coolness factor
this is 100% subjective :fr:
“meh” is just anything that doesn’t make much sense lol, either that or i absent mindedly put it there

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not even gonna lie I didn’t have the motivation to put all the stuff in place and this is probably rushed but this is what I think will be most common probably more but like I said my motivation quit on me

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using what
Where can I hire the slaves?

Just head to your local slave market - make sure to wear a mask, it's important to be socially responsible during a pandemic!

The code was written in python, making use of the scikit-image module (which has many features, though I only used it for reading/saving image files to/from arrays).

I had to download the 20 image files from the wiki, which were helpfully all the exact same size (200x200). Then I just stiched together new files by copying an image, and overwriting half/a third of it with another image.

import numpy
import math
import os
import skimage
import skimage.io

existingCombos = []

for f1 in os.listdir(r'Single Magics'):
    filename1 = os.fsdecode(f1)
    array1 = skimage.io.imread(r"Single Magics/" + filename1)
    for f2 in os.listdir(r'Single Magics'):
        if f1 == f2:
        filename2 = os.fsdecode(f2)
        if (filename2, filename1) in existingCombos:
        existingCombos.append((filename1, filename2))
        array2 = skimage.io.imread(r"Single Magics/" + filename2)

        newArray = numpy.array(array1)

        xLimit = array1.shape[1]/2
        for i in range(array1.shape[0]):
            for j in range(array1.shape[1]):
                if j > xLimit:
                    newArray[i][j] = array2[i][j]

        skimage.io.imsave(r"Double Magics/" + filename1[:-10] + " and " + filename2[:-10] + " Magic.png", newArray)

existingCombos = []

for f1 in os.listdir(r'Single Magics'):
    filename1 = os.fsdecode(f1)
    array1 = skimage.io.imread(r"Single Magics/" + filename1)
    for f2 in os.listdir(r'Single Magics'):
        if f1 == f2:
        filename2 = os.fsdecode(f2)
        existingCombos.append((filename1, filename2))
        array2 = skimage.io.imread(r"Single Magics/" + filename2)
        for f3 in os.listdir(r'Single Magics'):
            if f1 == f3 or f2 == f3:
            filename3 = os.fsdecode(f3)
            if set([filename1, filename2, filename3]) in existingCombos:
            existingCombos.append(set([filename1, filename2, filename3]))
            array3 = skimage.io.imread(r"Single Magics/" + filename3)

            newArray = numpy.array(array1)

            xHalf = array1.shape[1]/2
            yHalf = array1.shape[0]/2
            for i in range(array1.shape[0]):
                for j in range(array1.shape[1]):
                    if (j > xHalf and i < yHalf
                    or j >= i and i >= yHalf):
                        newArray[i][j] = array2[i][j]
                    elif j >= xHalf-(i-yHalf) and i >= yHalf:
                        newArray[i][j] = array3[i][j]

            skimage.io.imsave(r"Triple Magics/" + filename1[:-10] + " and " + filename2[:-10] + " and " + filename3[:-10] + " Magic.png", newArray)

whoa . . .

mmm yes glacid