Torch response (ft. Pie Debates)

He a FAN he a…

What’s your username is kos lil bro

So what does this guy actually do anyways? Aside from grooming minors I mean.

he was a tester,balance lead,owner of sea leauge and part of media team

In other news all of the comments on the video are either positive or neutral. Not a single negative one. Hmmmmm…

Typical for these kinds of videos

Not mine, mines still visible :3

honestly just mark this as the solution

im leaning more towards guilty but im still not entirely sure. (if i had to give percents, 70% on guilty right now.)

If he’ll pull the YandereDev-esq defense of “It was out of context,” I wouldn’t be surprised if he pulled the same trick of hiding all negative comments.

bro this mf self-admitted he lowkey wanted to have a relationship with a minor and even though he didn’t follow through


like gang if some mf said “I thought about fucking that kid but I decided against” that mf is a pedo for thinking of it!!!

It’s like saying “I only considered murdering you, I didn’t go through with it”, doesn’t matter whether you did it or not you still considered doing it

of all things for the forum to get decisive and have it’s weekly drama over, why is it this shit.

First off, I’ll preface this with this message: I have no strong feelings towards either possible outcomes, nor any with the subject concerned. Frankly, I don’t care if random internet voice #9532 likes or dislikes kids. That’s just a redditor, and those you just need to ignore. If you’re wondering why this great wall of text seems to be leaning towards “selectorch did nothing”, it’s because everyone saying he’s guilty is saying some stupid shit as their argument and is doing so in ways that just irk me greatly at how dumb they are.

Basically, I don’t care what happened, you guys are pissing me off
I’m the original… warm water

The first statement that I’m annoyed about: people acting like there is zero chance that he actually was joking and that anyone who makes these kinds of jokes with someone they’ve known for years (read: many people I know) are pedophilic and shouldn’t exist.

Believe it or not, making sexual jokes with people you’ve been friends with for long periods of times is an extremely common occurrence with zero malice, seriousness or intent outside of being funny. It’s like those weirdos that put argos into maid dresses. They’re [probably] not into old ass men wearing maid dresses, they just think it’s funny and make jokes about it. People you’ve known for years, particularly through the internet, are usually the reception for said jokes. People get really disconnected on the internet (Ironic statement but bear with me), and tend to forget that they’re talking with people that actually exist. This especially happens with jokes commonly made. People make weird or mildly offensive jokes on the internet much more often and without thought than they actually do. Heck, even I occasionally do this. I’m likely not going to say “You’re my thirteenth reason why” to someone in real life. People don’t make jokes that they actually mean on the internet. It just doesn’t happen in most cases. The internet is also hypersexual nowadays [See: The AO Boob Controversy, specifically the people making jokes about characters needing boobs]. Sexual jokes happen extremely often and are usually literally never meant.

My next annoyed point: The age gap. Now, four years is certainly pushing it, even three is a bit odd, but the responses people are posting here makes it sound like you lot would call someone a pedophile for dating a 17 year old as a 19 year old. For goodness sake, I know it’s weird but like you’re acting like he’s admitted to eating human flesh. In most places a 21 year old dating a 17 year old wouldn’t even get a batted eye, and those aren’t the places you’re thinking of.

At least be consistent with your arguments about minors and legality and whatnot. You can’t say shit like “he’s admitted to making these ‘jokes’ with a minor” when the age of 17 is commonly considered by most to be old enough to be able to be independent and actually think for themselves. You act like they’re 13. 17 is old enough in places such as Canada to straight up have sexual intercourse. Don’t cherrypick with legality. Either he’s making weird jokes with a minor but it’s perfectly legal to have this relationship, or he was making weird jokes with a 17 year old but it may not be legal to have this relationship.

Next thing that’s irking me: The mfs going “why is he giving ownership of balanceteam/leaving servers if he’s supposedly innocent?”. As someone here has already said: It doesn’t frankly matter if he’s innocent or not. To many people [such as yourselves], he’s guilty no matter what. He will be receiving intense hate and horrid comments, and as a method of mitigating some of them, he is limiting his social presence in frankly mentally ill discord servers like vetcord and distanced himself a bit from a fairly public position.

Another thing I’m hating: you lot keep making identical arguments, without providing any proof of any points either. As unlucky said in darkane: “its just hiveminding tbh they just go with the most popular opinion and people cant think for themselves anymore”. I’m yet to see an actual take on this outside “he’s a creep, he’s a pedo, he isn’t innocent” or “he’s innocent he beat the allegations”. Seriously, you lot annoy the shit out of me.

My final major annoyance: people equating intent with action. Yeah, it’s fairly weird for someone to think a thought fairly pedophilic, but unlike most people he understands what not acting on it is. There’s a major difference between hearing “ooo jump off the cliff ooo” from that voice in your head and actually doing it. Quit acting like it’s identical. The difference from first and second degree murder is literally intent, the difference between doing something and not doing something is literally action, regardless of intent. To want to do something and not do it does not make you the same as someone that wants to do so and does it.

I didn’t expect to make any sort of statement on this given that I have literally no strong opinion on this matter whatsoever. I literally do not care if he is innocent or guilty, nor do I believe that there has been enough evidence to prove either side in any proper manner. You lot are just so god damn annoying that I felt the need to waste time on this. Piss off the forums.


is there a too long didn’t read version

tldr: selectorch won

no, tldr: quit being fucking stupid


tldr… don’t talk to 17 year olds at 21😳

I didn’t know you and Nimona were friends in real life

There’s real IRL friendships going on outside the forums between forumers?! that’s crazy

I dont know how to tell you this…
some people do like argos like that

The internet is a very vast place, it’s less likely that there isn’t someone into that