Torch response (ft. Pie Debates)

theirs a ana diss track…

i hope im strawberry

on a different side of things, selectorch was probably the only “big” ao YouTuber we had. Without him, it makes it harder than it already was for ao to get exposure and new players.

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surprised none of you said apple, because apple pie is the best pie

Wrong, it’s peach

i never eat “pie” honestly, so i dont really how they even taste like. strawberry i sjust my fav in most things

i’ve never seen someone so wrong so bold :nauseated_face:

Your days are numbered

likewise :smirk_cat:

torch is gonna select more torches soon, not joever

Context can help a lot, but the fact is him showing lovebombing, a common tactic to let down someone’s guard, and not to mention, you can… FEEL the tone of the messages.

1:20 in the video, he shows the messages that follow.

“Chill out”
“‘I love you for who you are’”
“Yeah? I love feets man”
“Same thing”
“Don’t patronize me”

You can feel the joking tone. I do want to point out that it feels like there are messages we didn’t see between “same thing” and “don’t patronize me.” Likely messages Torch deleted.

Torch then responds with:

“I love you for who you are yui”
“you can still like feet”
“and I’d still love you.”
“no hate”

This is… an interesting response to Cain trying to lighten the situation. It seems like Torch was doubling down on the idea of “loving her.” Let that be platonic, or romantic, you can tell that Cain tried breaking away from that by being funny.

To which, Torch only clarified he did love her.

Next, Torch shows evidence of the way she talks. While I can’t defend how that is just weird, repeatedly, she jokingly calls him a “CM” as Torch calls it.

But he says “she just talks like this” when she only points to two terms used as lingo.

While the first one is weird, the second is just common in some spots.

Not to mention, he repeatedly speaks of context. Repeatedly.

But not once does he SHOW the context. The usernames are white, we know its a DM, so… why not show it? It would be easier to understand, he would be defended more, he could show said context to people.

But he hasn’t. It’s not helping him out.

“Close friends at the time” isn’t a good defense for flirting. @sock , you’ve been my IRL friend since 2nd grade and I trust you with my life and you have helped me when I had personal issues, and comforted me the best you can on others. Have we ever flirted? No? Didn’t think so.

Yeah, casually flirting with friends isn’t that good. Most people don’t do it.

Not to mention, the tone of his compliments are extremely predatory, as mentioned in the former topic.

“The age difference is about 3 years” he’s 21 and she’s 17, four years. I get birthdays make it weird but its about 4 years, don’t deny it. He’s trying to lessen it.

“Nothing inappropriate” That is a BOLD thing to say when he keeps saying “out of context” but never SHOWS THE CONTEXT.

He isn’t helping himself, only damaging it by never SHOWING THE PROOF, only saying it.

“developing something with her” Okay. He’s bad. That’s it, he’s over. He knew her sexuality, didn’t care and thought about it. He knew her AGE, which is still a gap that should be mindful. I believe an age gap can happen if both are above the age of 25. My parents are 60 and 54. But they met when they were both full adults, nothing predatory.

Unlike how Torch has seemingly acted.

“Nothing unlawful or inappropriate ever occurred” And, once again, it is never shown to us. He doesn’t defend his actions, he simply says it and moves on.

It’s not helping his case, it’s damaging it.

“Trial Dating” Okay, so I’m gonna explain something here.

Imagine you are close friends with someone 3-4 years older than you. You are 17, they are 20-21. You are whatever makes you interested in only your gender. Gay, lesbian, those. Your friend is the opposite sex. He mentions trial dating with you.

Let me reiterate, your older friend that is legal, when you are probably not, when you are either GAY/LESBIAN, brings up the idea of TRIAL DATING YOU.

He’s shown lovebombing. He’s not shown proof to help his case, and the proof of the trial dating seems unpleasant for her.

She says no to saying “I love you.” She reinforces her conditions. A lot of times, it seems. And he says “he’s always had a thing for her.”

They are close friends. It’s good reason to assume they’ve known each other for a while.

So if he says he’s had this feeling for a while, he’s contradicting himself.

For example, he said he thought about dating her already, but it never went farther and then they had this trial where he contradicts what he said IN THIS VIDEO.

Not to mention, the other picture he shows is cropped AGAIN, and she’s not responding. Likely because she wasn’t comfortable with him doing this, and then once the trial was over, she said something that caught my attention.

“Don’t you ever say or suggest I need a boyfriend.”

That felt out of nowhere.

As if she was told something along those lines by him.

As if she was a lesbian who was convinced by him to attempt the Trial Dating under the guise of “her needing a man in her life.”

She brought it up unprovoked. She typed it too. She thought and then said it.

He… he definitely told her she needs a boyfriend. He definitely did. I’m sorry, this is speculative, but it was out of nowhere. No one randomly says that as a defense. It would be one thing if she said, “I’m not comfortable dating a man” and that’s it, but she said “need a boyfriend.” As if it was said to her.

And he didn’t show the discussion BEFORE going into her accepting the trial date.

Speculation, definitely, but it kind of tracks, with how he’s being selective with evidence.

He’s clearly guilty.

“I did not mean anything of it” he said he was looking forward to the trial, had thought about her in a romantic sense, AND the way she said no to the dating after 1-2 days implies that he had to CONVINCE HER to do it.

Apparently, she has personal issues. Everyone does, but she felt she could trust him with them. Pictures say they got close in December of last year, 2023. Nine months they were friends, it seemed, before she released the pictures and the allegations.

I’m not gonna watch the rest of the video.

Too Long, Didn’t Read!

He repeatedly contradicted himself, pushed in a way that clearly made her uncomfortable, and didn’t give actual evidence to support his case, even hurting his own defense.



Agreed. Selectorch’s alibi is somewhat plausible, but damn some of that stuff was so damn sus.

Looks like somebody’s never eaten Michigan 4 berry pie

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Lemon pie is best pie.

Acceptable answer

I meaaan.
Lemon Pie is good. But Apple Pie is a classic that beats all others.
A bad apple pie is still better than a decent Lemon Pie

One, generic answer.
Two, apple pie is MID and so is the fruit. Apple is overrated just because it’s so easy to grow. It tastes too sour for a fruit you bite into and the weird chunks in apple pie ruin it. I’d prefer freaking hot pumpkin pie over that trash

“Apple is mid” :nerd:

Apples are literally the most goated fruit. They’re loved because they’re native to the great continent of Europe, and they saved the first American settlers.

Apple Pie is a symbol of American Freedom (but tbf it comes from the English Settlers) and it’s been a savior of the western world for centuries

Bro doesn’t know theres several types of Apples…

Hot Pies are disgusting, all Pies should be eaten cold, and Apple Pie is the best pie.

I have tried so many apples and all of them I don’t like. If you want a truly good sweet biteable fruit eat a plum.

Also yes the hot pumpkin pie tasting bad was the intent

I grew up in New England, and fall food is a big thing here, like apple pie, pumpkin pie, Oktoberfest, that sort of thing.

I have a family recipe for apple pie, and that one recipe is the only pie I can hold above lemon pie. (literally catered to my taste by my late grandfather when i was 4-5)

Pumpkin pie is nostalgic for me. I love it, but it’s nothing like a lemon pie to me. I also like my food really spicy or sour, since I killed my tastebuds.