Torch response (ft. Pie Debates)

Again, you’re just not buying the right type of apples. Try find something like Honeycrisp Apples, then try say Apples aren’t the most Diverse, blessed fruit to ever grace this Earth.

Nah, I’d eat an apple.

East Coast Apple Pies :drooling_face:

Already have. Don’t like em. The fact I have to bite into something with the consistency of really really hard styrofoam just to get a semi-sweet flavor is bull crap. Plums are superior

Im gonna beat you with a blunt object

I foresee this topic getting closed.

You cant beat me with a blunt object I already HAVE brain damage!

Unfortunately so do you. Therefore this argument is stupid. (Plums > apples tho)

you try honeycrisp apples?


you’re a lost cause with apples then, though you are right with plums being superior

why is it that people keep saying i’m evelynn :sob: i was into the game before her but never knew about the forums til she brought her ban up

Apples with peanut butter are fire tho

severe mental damage with this one…

@fartman1314 how lobotomized is this argument

Apples are better, Plums are just for sugar addicted cucks who can’t appreciate a good tasting , classical, reliable fruit that has been with you since the very bstart

ok but plums are purple

yeah but apples are red AND green
like starwars, and like the pokemon games

Where’s YOUR pokemon game noob?

Nice argument, unfortunately I literally suck on lemons and still think they taste better than apples.

(This argument is so goddamn stupid can we make an off topic post or something)

Notice how you have to abandon your point on Plums to find other fruit, because you know Apples solo.

Are you the best fruit because you’re an apple or are you an apple because you’re the best fruit?

No, it’s because if I said plums again you’d rant about how I’m addicted to sugar like you just did

The Pokémon games were red and blue