Torch response (ft. Pie Debates)

Apples can be moderately sweet (healthy) and moderately sour (healthy)

Plums were over the span of decades bred to be unhealthily sweet, and Lemons are not good for your teeth. Fun Fact, Apples are good for your teeth.

When was the last time you heard a Plum keeping the doctor away?

Apples are versatile, healthy and tasty. Take that, citrusite…

Nice argument, small issue. This entire thing boils down to opinion and thus it’s futile to argue as we cannot change how the other percieves the world around them.

(Also glaze morock if you hate apples, checkmate)

only in the US, Red and Green were the originals, blue was added so that american audiences would be more open to it

and the remakes are called “Fire Red” and “Leaf Green

Blue never made it past 1 region, like 25 years ago.

counter argument, Morock eats apples.

No. I refuse.
I believe that we should wipe out people who don’t love Apples, and only have people who like Apples be allowed to have children.

In the span of 3 generations, Apples will once again get the respect they deserve

How the hell did an argument about pie turn into eugenics.

Selectorch allegations —> pies —> fruits —> eugenics

This truly has been an Apple Odyssey, in a world of Mangoes…

Apple orangessy*

pokemon violet? pokemon moon sorta?

Pokemon violet was ASS, and pokemon Scarlet is better,

Pokemon Scarlet’s paradox pokemon look wayy better than whatever futuristic hideous bastards crawled out of Violet

And Moon does not count

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speaking of fruits, I’m using this as an excuse to mention my 11 hits of COVID have destroyed almost all of my sense of taste. As a result, I love lemon because it has a lot of sour or sweet so I can actually taste it!

Sock is aware of the lemon candy incident of 2022.

how does one get covid 11 seperate times

moon has purple on the cover, especially the legendary

purple is also the colour of ghost type pokemon, one of the coolest types

bug type solos :yawning_face:

you always show up on route 1 for a reason

errm akshually heracross shows up in ilex forest and pinsir+scyther at the kanto safari zone :nerd_face: :point_up:

name a game without a bug type in the first 5 routes though

name a game where ghost types aren’t primarily found in a graveyard or abandonned building :skull:

(also to answer ur question, black and white)

My father works in travel, which means he travels and sometimes it comes back home with him. But to make a long story short:

My brother and I caught covid in NYC during quarantine, a while ago, we had to ride the train, it was fun, but we caught COVID.

So what happened next was fun.

We kept giving each other COVID for 2 months. The fact we shared a room at the time didn’t help. I’d be done, he’d still have it. He’d be done, I’d still have it. Slowly, my tastebuds just kinda evaporated to the point I only taste powerful foods.

tbf the topic isnt so fun to discuss exactly but half the posts replies being about whatever the fuck is a bit crazy :sob:

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To be fair, this is the type of stuff the homies would post:

Yeah, kinda iffy that this happened towards a minor. Although, if they were 20 and 23/24 then it wouldn’t have mattered. 3 years isn’t uncommon or rare anyways.


I just realized I made the same mistake… :sob: