Torch response (ft. Pie Debates)

great minds think alike

i would say the most horrid tasting, smelling, and looking pie to ever exist but theres far worse out there soā€¦


selectover would be the right choice heā€™s a weirdo

Heā€™s failed to disproved the allegations if you actually LOOKED AND HEARD what he said. It didnā€™t make sense.

Heā€™s a creep, guilty.

Yes I edited this I said he was innocent on accident, he is GUILTY. I didnā€™t type 1k words just to say ā€œactually I was wrongā€ no hes guilty yall

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i dont know what side to pickā€¦

i feel that talking to a 17 year old and making flirtatious jokes with them at 21 yrs old is very weird

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I watched the whole vid, its very clear you took it at a surface level and missed the very clear signs that what he did was wrong.
Message edited, misunderstanding we good :sunglasses::+1:

wait wait no I SAID THE WRONG THING-

I wasnā€™t fully paying attention wait no okay let me correct myself (I was eating fajitas as I responded my fault slime)

@SkyRocket I meant to say he FAILED to disprove the allegations, I put a giant thing proving he was guilty and a creep.

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oh thank the lords :sob::pray:

OH OK THANK YOU you are redeemed :relieved:

the fajitas hit too hard bro :sob:

But seriously, heā€™s guilty. Like without a doubt, yandev defense level bad, those comments on that video are FAILING, mods, take Torchā€™s kidneys.


The fajitas werenā€™t even good but that salsa was so good I couldnā€™t focus on what I was saying, I got fajitaā€™d.

I think someone drugged your food,probably selectorch

Sounds a lot like my ex goddamn (I will give no context, I will let you all decide how to deal with this lore.)

Was it The Director?

this is leading me to believe they were a druggie

This caught me so off guard I sneezed out my coca cola, holy- MY GOD, SKY.

I pirated the movie :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: