Toxic Players & Inflated Ego's

How they gonna complain about honor when they just tried to attack you for literally no reason and then called for reinforcements?

Yeah, I wasnā€™t gonna ask what they thought to be honorable. Just that I have no moral code regarding that so I had no problem leaving. I was down to cover the pillar in Ash clouds if Lightning didnā€™t show up.

The worst kind of toxic people are the delusional people who think that you lose all right to even exist for breaking some non-existent honor code.
Its like they feel like they need to justify what theyā€™re doing, but despite all common sense, they somehow convince theirselves that theyā€™re making the game a better place.

Doesnā€™t help that more times than not, they donā€™t even follow their own rules.

We love finding people who have no understanding of logical fallacies

society is so crueul

Are we not gonna talk about Guilds here?
Guilds are basically the embodiment of Toxicity and Inflated Egos in this community.

oh boy cant wait for the magic council to be just as toxic as the arcane government

as long as we donā€™t have the ability to join MC unlike how we could in AA with the AG, it wouldnā€™t be a problem.

at first vetex didnt want it to be a feature, but now it seems like heā€™s changed his mind on twitter

I hope not the Magic Council should be better than the Arcane Government, but that will definitely happen if weā€™re able to join the Magic Council

Forgive me if I am mistaken, but werenā€™t you the one asking to nerf bandit NPCs?

My experiences with toxicity are rks. Though since I avoid people entirely Iā€™ve only met a few.

me when I say burito and shoot someone, but then start dancing and they proceed to get their 500 friends and gank me

cough coughnoblecough cough

well actually is a pvp rpg game or something like that,we need to have fight(anyways who gonna let the city be destroyed oof)

i not see any toxicity yet,i just get rket by some rkers,people are chill(even the bad reputation ones)and usually nice,im not having problems on game yet

well actually u can kill all npcs u see,even the shopkeepers(i not reccomend)but that not mean good reputation will just sit and watch,anyways if them not attack,pvp will be gone and this will become that game people think only pvp allowed is 1x1

I think youā€™re missing the point:
I said the people who chase you down and call on their entire team just because you killed a single unimportant civilian on accident.

bruh them do this like abd? so u being chased for entire map,even after being killed,just because a civvilian? woah this is bad

Iā€™ve stayed good rep until max lvl just so when I start breaking the law and choose the storyline Iā€™m strong enough to somewhat deal with the magic council and other players. As for toxic experiences yesterday I was killing mc NPCā€™s and went afk and heard that I was getting attacked so I checked and some other bad rep was trying to kill me. Since I suck at PvP he was able to kill me many times with placed explosions , beam attackā€™s and using duel daggers. Ended up losing at least 30+ crowns from that. As for guilds Iā€™ll probably just make a small one for me and my friends . I might invite other people later but since Iā€™ll have barely any time to play this game once school starts so I think itā€™d be best to keep the guild between me and my friends.

Also quick question how fast can you spam beam attackā€™s? Cuz the dude was spamming a beam attack at least every 3 seconds.