Trailer discussion

you picked shadow magic to be nice to @anon82052662 didn’t you? or was it to show the clash between shadow and light.


that’s it.

you have left me with no choice cryonical.


say goodbye.

Nah. Due to several reasons, Lukas is my 6th slot and Shadow Magic is currently the thing most canonically accurate to the powers they have.


oh cool.

102 posts were split to a new topic: Can we get much higher? (So high)

the guy fighting him was obviously holding out the sword the whole time and never used a lightning move or a lightning sword infused move

I think i found out something about argos in the trailer

He looks lke he isn’t in his armor, so i’m guessing he’s being showed in his second phase. why would his bare hand be exposed if armors in WoM/AO cover your character’s entire arm?
Second phase appears to feature a barrage-like attack

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I can’t spoil too much but something like this happens on a pateron leak.

so somebody on the patreon (Who isn’t a tester) already made a surmise like this?

pretty sure his armor breaks because he drops a chestplate and chainmail but weve never seen his chestplate


over plenty of discussion in patreon chat we decided it was the glass curse (auras have magic circles and ice had a different texture). no on was sure if it was the final boss or not, i i think its the curse user who helps out the final boss who ‘indirectly uses a curse.’

the blue lighting is just normal lightning, but also happens to be his healing attack.

that is lady carina

those are not equinox effects, dunno if u were joking about the ancient magics or not but uhh ya light and shadow clashes very cool idk

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i feel like its the first phase for some reason (cause maybe he thinks the player is too powerful and dons his armor)

You still haven’t explained what a shared curse is…

It is Equinox effects

not necessarily, unless vetex outright stated that equinox magic will look exactly like that

Iight and shadow clashing effect is what equinox magic is tho, it’s the repulsion of the two magics in balance to the extent of causing the reaction

that’s what he said :smiley:

ya know that thing Durza did with King Ramses? Ye, well I’m not certain if its a shared curse cause maybe only the absorption curse can do that.

in lore at least