Try to give me a valid reason why re-enchanting shouldn't be a thing

How does it affect build diversity at all? It’s not like anybody wants to use a Keen Wizard Pants when they enchant one. Build diversity is already minimalized.

There is the problem that thousands of items are clogging up inventories the more you pile up unwanted items. Irrelevant ? Yeah it is, I was just thinking about it

Nobody wants to trade for crowns, so you’ll still have to go through an unreasonably long grind to get an item of equal value. People will always overprice rare items even if they used a macro to obtain them. You might as well get it yourself.
I’ve stated multiple times on this thread already that for rare items it’s already super expensive just to enchant it once, so even if you used that same price as the re-enchanting price, it would still take a lot of work just to grind the crowns to enchant it each time.
It sounds like all you care about is it being challenging to get good items, but it’s unreasonably difficult without re-enchanting, which would still be difficult on the best possible gear, since their value is so high.
Also, while it may seem that re-enchanting would be op on the basis of how it only takes around 200 crowns to enchant wizard robes and dull amulets, these are only common rarity items. When the game is complete, the best gear in the game is probably going to be rare to legendary tier, with much higher base values. We’re not going to be wasting our time minmaxing low level common gear when the level cap is 5000.

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Correct me if i misinterpreted what you said but how is making something that doesn’t have to be incredibly grindy, incredibly grindy a good thing?
All that does it make the game feel stale and although it does increase the amount of time you can play in between updates, that time only applies to hardcore players and even then that time isn’t exactly fun for them or anyone else.
For everyone else it just burns them out and they choose not to even mess with it and go find something else to do.
Shouldn’t the game be as fun yet balanced as much as possible for everyone?

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because vetex doesnt want it in the game

this isn’t completely relevant but if giving hardcore players something to do in between updates is the motive, then why not just add a leaderboard system?
That way they have something to do and the rest of the playerbase can just enjoy the game.

God this post made me realize how this entire game is based off grinding over and over again

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This wouldn’t be such a big issue if the stats were at least balanced.

it would be slightly less of an issue but it would still be a major issue because it’d still be an absurd grind that has no purpose to exist other than to be an absurd grind.
It adds nothing to the game it just frustrates people.

Well theoretically the more equal the demand for each enchant is, the easier it should be to trade one item with a specific enchant for the same item with a different enchant. We’ll probably never reach perfectly balanced stats but it’s still something to strive for.

There is no easy, simple way to make all enchants equally viable at this level. If they were equally viable now, enchants aside from Power and Defense would end up being overpowered at high levels.

It is something that will just have to be readdressed and dealt with until we reach a reasonable level and have access to higher level enchants (level 200 and 500).

yeah but that won’t ever happen though because of one key fact.
Depending on the item certain enchantments give more stats than others meaning that certain enchantments will always be better.
an example of this is sunken iron gear which gives defense and magic size so naturally you’d want a bursting or hard enchantment on it since that’s what the gear leans towards.

Like I said, I don’t seriously expect that all the enchants will ever be equally viable at all levels, but the closer we get to that, the better. For example, destruction, no matter how it’s scaled, is still probably gonna be much less useful than power with its current scaling. Buffing destruction by giving some other useful function wouldn’t make it relatively op at any level and still bring us closer to balanced stats.

Hmmm this post is getting a bit ranty so lemme just remind everyone that this post was made to try to find a valid reason as to why re enchanting shouldn’t be added.
And i’ve yet to see a reason. All that would change from it being added is that enchanting would no longer feel like attempting to climb mount everest, instead it would be closer to taking a 10km jog, a pain but entirely possible.

Trading wouldn’t be severely affected either, players would still buy rare items with certain enchantments if they don’t have it & don’t want to grind for it or if their rng sucks and they want it badly.
And overall enchanting would just be far less tedious and make the majority of players feel like it’s worth their time instead of a pointless time sink which would encouage players to play more actually.

But seriously do remember the topic since posts that get too far off topic tend to be closed.

1% of the playerbase is going to waste their time getting perfect enchanted gear because its so obnoxiously tedious and not worthwhile at all. A whopping 12.5% chance to not get dissapointed.
Nobody but a few particularly insane people enjoy grinding for a perfect set.

Even with what you say here, the alchemist should, by absolutely no means, be a random near-meaningless wall for the average player.

here’s a ‪hot take: if you’re not gonna give me the option to buy my way out of grinding for stuff dont make the grind so awful in the first place‬

‪it makes your game less fun‬

… to be fair tho travelling merchants do kind of make up for it

At the end of the day, wizard robes are common rarity. They won’t matter too much in the future anyway, at least not the normal ones we have right now. Assuming you’re talking about how they can sell the wizard set.
Rarer items will probably be appropriately rare to find in a merchant’s inventory anyway.

Wizard robes are easy af, only sunken is a problem

If there’s re enchanting I’d want it to be re-enchantable at 10 times the item value because of how much the economy would be screwed if it was anything less.