Unique way to enchant spirit weapons

Unique way to enchant spirit weapons
effort 2.8 5 quality 2.8 5 reasonability 2.8 5

RN the eagles Patrimony can’t be enchanted like a weapon.

So I figure spirit weapons should be able to be enchanted.

But to keep it different then weapons spirit weapons won’t use enchantments to enhance stats.

But rather to enhance a Spirit weapons stats you’ll need to take 1 to probably a priest NPC who will do a prayer enhancing your spirit weapon randomly just like enchantments.

But you’ll be able to find prayer scrolls which will allow a guaranteed Prayer to be put on spirit weapon. Edit: after reading comments I think the prayer scroll idea shouldn’t be added as it would be a an inconvenience.

Priest NPCs will also be the NPC capable of disarming your spirit weapon of its Rites because it would make more sense for a priest to do it than a blacksmith.

Reason to add:

Just a way to enhance a spirit weapons stats and make them seem a little bit more unique than enchantment although it’s the same system just a different method.

I dont think the disarming thing woul make sense as 1. Disarming is meant to be one of weapons main gimmicks 2. Vet said all spirit weapons will have spirit walk, wall and blast, with two exclusive moves (astrapikis and the other on e I can’t remember for the ep) so it would nt really make sens to be able to switch exclusive moves to toher weapons

The prayer thing is good tho, I would love it if priest were in temples that differ between islands due to culture (the sun temple in sameria could have one, but I could be different in others like Ravenna worshipping Roman gods) .

Doesn’t it say here spirit weapons will be able to change there rites or was there something said later on that I didn’t read.

spirit weapons are already enchanted with spirit energy

id rather not have to deal with enchantments, nor have even more clutter in the enchant scroll loot pool

they arent necessarily the same basic rites for all spirit weapons, but they can be swapped freely between said spirit weapons unlike the exclusive rites

You should be able to enchant them like that but there should be a way to convert Enchantment Scrolls to Blessing Scrolls and back again to reduce trying to grind for a certain blessing but you get weapon scrolls instead. And it does make sense that priests would disarm spirit weapons because it says somewhere that spirit weapons are old relics blessed by the gods, and are technically not weapons

If unique enchanting mechanics are added for spirit weapons, it shouldn’t just be a reskin of what we already have.

It sounds pretty cool, though having “prayer scrolls” would mean whole new enchantments, which take some time. And this isnt very viable yet, as we only have 1 spirit wpn.

what the bump

system really wants this feature added for some reason

Aye it’s a bit wierd tbh. I’m probably gonna promote my other suggestions in this comment section.

Feel free to comment your ideas for power techniques.
Links to my other hybrid ideas
Wisdom Spells

Power Techniques

Courage Rites

Martial Magic

giving off vibes of the guy who wanted rage meter berserker second awakening

isn’t that just that one human v4 thing from blox fruits