V1.13 infamy changes

PvP really should not be the point when it can so easily be ruined if the players dip

The story has no replayability

That’s why vetex should make pvp lower stakes

ngl wom infamy was better than ao infamy, actually felt like the leaderboard was who can actually put in work rather than who has the most number

This is entirely personal opinion though. An MMO needs to enable as many types of players as possible, not cater hand over fist to one and only one specific type of player and tell everyone to fuck off.

If I am told more and more that I need to be good at pvp or I’m going to be hunted on repeat with people with 600+ hours 90% of which is in pvp, then yeah I’m gonna whine about that. It’s not fun. You know what I find fun? Hunting sea monsters, diving spots, fishing with friends as a relaxing activity, hunting treasure.

PVP in bounty hunting is a forced interaction. You are forcing me to partake in an interaction I do not find fun, and Vetex is constricting the options by which I can disengage from this unfun interaction, though luckily he had the sense to make the love potion.


I feel like if your goal in a clan is to just have a chill community that you can play the game with, it’s probably best to stay around rookie or maybe average clan. Average clans can host up to 75 members, which for most groups is enough space to have a small, tight knit community. I feel like once you start aiming at strong or above, that’s where a clan’s focus begins shifting toward competing with other clans etc. in addition to their main purpose

I’m gonna ask you buddy, sorry if i sound rude but why do you have so much fame in the game if you don’t want to be hunted for it?


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Deckhand. One of the last thing left for me to actively pursue is minmaxing my ship for the Dark Sea.

Once the infamy update comes out I’ll probably slowly sink back down as I am hunted, I got master deckhands I don’t really NEED legendary.

You can still leave whenever other clans join

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“why do you have so much money if you don’t wanna be robbed” energy

So your answer to a problem with the game is for me to simply not play the game?

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You can join a server without clans

i mean you could just reset it at silverhold/whitesummit but you do you.

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I would lose my feats, of which I have a few fun ones on my bounty poster, mainly defeating leaderboard players in self-defense. Don’t you think it’d be funny to see some dude with mostly pve stats, 300k or so fame and yet his bounty poster says he beat two tyrants and an assassin maestro? I think so.

@lookingforabargain As for this, I don’t want to spend most of my time frustratingly looking for the PERFECT server to avoid conflict. It’s not fun to have to leave and rejoin the game 40-odd times before I can start playing it. It simply shouldn’t be something I am forced to do, end of story.

It doesn’t take 40 tries to find a clanless server. Plus, if your goal is to play with friends, then you can divide the tries or accept a server with 1 clan member in it, since you’d outnumber them anyway

seems like most your issue is just what clans are, theyre a pvp feature focused around infamy and capturing islands

what you want already exists in the party feature, small groups that stop you from hitting eachother, i think you should just join one of the many discord servers if youre looking for people to play with

also pvp is literally the only thing giving this game some sense of replayability so asking vetex not to focus on pvp doesnt make much sense, its the only way he can make the game more replayable without reworking or adding features

It has in the past. It’s entirely up to chance, bargain. The entire point of this is: I don’t WANT to do this. I don’t know why this is hard to understand. Its not fun to have to spend the start of your play session, 5, 10, 15 minutes looking for a server that feels ‘safe’. Like you can engage with game content.

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Clans will have far more content to them in the future then just infamy grinding, which is why I want to have a small community built.

Can a party build stuff on a captured island? No. Can a party engage in catered minigames made by vetex himself? Not really. These additional features don’t exist now, but I shouldn’t be gatekept from them by people who only see pvp, only enjoy pvp. Just because you think that PVP is the only content that’s replayable does not mean that is a shared sentiment.

I mean why you got $10,000 in your defenseless wallet, you’re just making me want to rob you