Reminders for AO (Part 3)

5 posts were split to a new topic: Gem wipes

8 posts were split to a new topic: V1.13 infamy changes

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3 posts were merged into an existing topic: V1.13 infamy changes

(Gonna move discussion to the topic Divanochi split but I wanted to leave off on this note here)

This is incredibly important. Clans are social groups for the game, this is how your players come together. If you expect all of your players all the time to be pvp fiends then you’re failing to properly engage the players who find investment in other areas of your game. What if someone wants a clan so they have people to farm bosses with, or expedition into the dark sea, or the very rare case of people who just want someone to talk to while they fish?

I’m not saying a clan of fisherman should be able to be the #1 clan in the game, but I am saying that they shouldn’t feel like they are constantly ‘in danger’ for being in a clan.



can see this being a little buggy with the assassin’s syndicate and grand navy, maybe.



I get that EA is prime time for infamy balance but I really hope vetex adds some (preferably all) of the QoL changes suggested by testers

He’s about to wipe the leaderboard.
Get ready for round 2 of the clan wars. :frhigh:

There’s nothing about central islands do they still give 40??


Ruh roh. Does that go both ways though? Will it give more reason for high renown players to hunt low renown players since it will average out between them?

They’d be getting lower renown than if they hunted someone around/higher than them though, since the average would be lower than their renown

Yeah but as it is now, if you hunt say, 250k renown person and you have 2 million, you usually only get around 4,000 renown, since it took 7% of whoever was lower. Now, if it averages out, that 250k player who got hunted would lose far more, wouldn’t they?

could you lose more than your total renown?

Won’t the 1mil renown players just transfer some of their renown to an alt now that they know?