v1.14.XX Balance Document - Thoughts and Discussion Thread

Feedback time!

The cone detection has been a tad frustrating to work around. I can’t crash/rushdown to close distance if someone is so far away, and getting in hyper close quarters is now more of a detriment then a benefit as a fighting style user. The projected cone should be placed a ways behind the player, and be even wider, which I know sounds radical, but I think it would make the cone closer to encompassing the entire players viewing direction.

I would like to ask, politely of course, that the cone detection be brought to a level where even the newest, most inexperienced of players aren’t inconvenienced by it at all. And if in a few updates, say until the update after the building update, the balance team is still having to fiddle with the cone to make it work? I would ask some consideration be given to reverting back to the simple ‘in combat’ tags. (Pretty Please)

what’s wrong with sand? I haven’t been keeping up

I don’t follow. Sand still has 0.975x damage (same as Crystal), with 0.95x speed (0.2x more than Crystal post-buff), and the same size. It’s a net stat positive, and it has much more varied interactions overall. Sand will remain the better solo magic, but we want to make it easier for Crystal to use its gimmick properly.

We’d prefer to add some type of hint pop-up when using cone-check affected moves, so new players understand how it works. The new cone check should cover just about everything in front of you, and should be more than wide enough to encourage proper use from the get-go.

Fair, but I think AO already struggles to teach people certain things. It’s why I think Redwake & Frostmill are so crucial to the game. Redwake teaches you the basics. Runnin’ around, fighting (But early game fighting can be detrimental to learning since some people come to the realization m1’s are better then magic), and cooking. Frostmill teaches you to explore a bit, but the rest of the games info is relegated to hints.

Peoplel earn best by doing, but without a sort of ‘combat tutorial’, I think most average players when told “You have a cone detection on any attack that pushes you forward” would just scratch their head and go ‘huh?’

Anyway, that aside, I also really think that cannonball damage can go even further down, maybe to a -90%. 11 Cannons now and the [##] we will have on the Frigate will absolutely SHRED someone. I don’t know why it was added in the first place. Fighting a ship full of enemies is already plenty difficult.

(Also here’s a funny clip of me getting absolutely crushed)

honestly now that i think about it maybe old weapons should have their first skill be 0 weapons to use? this way players realise its not about the m1s

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I swore sand had 0.8x speed

AHH i’ve seen that lol


Any notable examples of these? Nothing comes to my mind, but then again most formulas for anything aren’t public.

Is this neccessary for all Vitality builds? If the pure build with a lot of Vit are the big problem, why not make it exclusive to them?
Also, what are the details on the tester forum, just the proposed formula?

The Tester Forum is basically just a place where we can gather and organize information on certain topics and make suggestions / bug reports straight to Vet.

Vitality’s formula isn’t a secret or anything, there’s just a lot wrong with it that cannot be explained without flooding the Balance Document.

Is there any possibility that the cone is reworked to be more towards where the move is aimed? I’ve had times where I send a crash/grab to the side of my screen, where an opponent has dashed to, only for them to not register

Cone will just cover a massive area in front of you now, roughly 150 degrees and remaining static between moves. You shouldn’t have any problems with using it combatively after the update.

Oh so its going to be more like snare? I thought we about to get a krazy wide grab that can go a huge distance depending on what grab you use

Not sure how new this is, but really weird “balance”
Like, this isn’t even a bandage fix, this is switching out coffee for laxatives

Would just piss off people whose builds are fucked up by the change, and people running Virtuous + Atlantean on defense gear are completely unaffected


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I still don’t understand what “Vitality’s formula” is, that’s why I asked. Is it the bonus_hp = vitality * 4 or the damage_reduction = f(vitality)? I haven’t seen the damage reduction formula anywhere publicly, but that’s probably just me, so could you also enlighten me?

And about vitality reducing power scaling, you believe Vitality hybrids have too much damage, right?

When I refer to Vitality’s formula, I mainly just mean the damage reduction; the health is very simple. Vitality seems to want to reduce your damage by half of your percentage of Vitality investment, but it’s very inconsistent currently.

  • All ranges of Vitality investment from 40-60% result in 25% decreased base damage, unchanging.
  • Vitality damage penalty below 40% investment reduces slowly at first, before rapidly lowering the damage penalty as less is invested.
    • For instance, 20% Vitality investment only reduces damage by ~7%.
  • 12% Vitality investment and below provide absolutely no damage penalty whatsoever.
  • Vitality seems to prevent the Knight’s Aura awakening from providing any damage increase.

After the fix, Vitality should be more simple. 40% Vitality investment would result in a 20% decrease to all damage, 20% Vitality would be a 10% decrease, etc.

Yeah. Their efficiency is way overtuned; a really simple example is a Knight with Sunken Sword, Rapier, and Katana. Most of these moves are only losing ~20 damage due to Vitality only decreasing base damage, meaning that by investing 20 Power, you gain 400 (or more) health at no cost. This goes way over the ratio for damage vs HP; a 1 damage to 20 health tradeoff isn’t even a comparison.

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There are four main reasons for this change.

#1: Using Atlantean to gain alt-stats requires extremely inefficient gemming in a lot of cases, which will be problematic after alt-stats are giving their proper numbers with the fix (36 vs. the current 18). We want their to be more routes to using the Atlantean modifier to gain alt-stats in an efficient way, and in a way that can benefit from the use of Virtuous.

#2: By principle, Virtuous + Atlantean on Power gear shouldn’t make Defense enchantments obsolete. It’s fine for it to remain just as efficient as it currently is stat-wise, but it is the only case of an enchantment being made completely worthless on certain sets due to the increased efficiency of simply using Virtuous + Atlantean at no cost. This isn’t meant to be a nerf, simply an adjustment.

#3: Power-looping should be more accessible.

And the fourth reason I can’t currently explain, but know that it is an important one.

We’re still open to further discussion on the topic, but keep in mind that it is doubtful Atlantean Essence will remain as painful to farm for next patch, and this opens up a lot of new opportunities for buildcrafting around alt-stats without inefficient gemming.

My main problem with the change would be the fact that enchants are not removable the same way gems are; there’s many an Atlantean Virtuous gear that would be severely messed up due to the change, and the only way to remedy that would be to wipe the gear of an enchantment that potentially took hours to obtain.

Atlantean essence’s drop rate is more than fine right now imo, it’s just very punishing if you use it improperly