Vetex's Rant (PVP & BALACING)

that would make the pvp servers extremely competitive when there’s lots of casual pvpers

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This is why I believe low-rep players should not be on the bounty board. They’ve literally gone out of their way and payed galleons to remove the big number that makes PVPers target them, and yet it still gives these players the option to go and ruin their day in spite of the fact that they will gain nothing from it.

I think a huge part of why the PVP scene is so bad right now is that
1: The only options you’re presented in-game when you want to PVP is to go and hunt people down, to sit on the spawn island and wait for people, or go to munera and hope that you meet another PVPer. Hunting and spawn killing don’t really open themselves up to polite or consentual PVP, and munera is EMPTY.

2: Most of the players you will meet with hunting or spawn camping do not actually want to PVP

3: The only real matchmaking place is Elysium, which is basically only for serious members of the PVP community.

Elysium is so much of a staple to the PVP community now, I know that Vetex intends to repurpose it for raid bosses but I feel like at this point it’s the one decent form of PVP matchmaking and it either needs to keep that functionality on the side or something else will need to take Elysium’s place when that does finally happen.


Really? Cause I see people there all the time.

this, elysium being behind a paywall is just dumb, remember vetex said that he wants pvp to be a part of the world (or smt like this, on a elysium post)

there are 2 types of pvpers:

  1. the casuals one, they usually pvp with friends or ask randos to pvp, they most likely wont spend their whole time on elysium bc elysium is gonna be filled with tryhards although they might try to pvp there as well, as a important note, the more u pvp, the more naturally u get better, so casual pvps might be actually very good at pvp without tryharding

  2. the constant tryhards, the toxic side of pvp, lets be honest, they will spend a lot of time on elysium, and even then, they want dopamine and ego boosts, so they will prob bounty hunt people, so while they spend most of their times in elysium, they can go to the main game to hunt people

the main game pvp will always be there, while i agree with what vetex said, i still cant understand why he believes making elysium free is gonna take the pvp from the main game away

I find it quite funny how the game came this far into development and some people still thought that the main focus of the game was pvp

Vet doesn’t hate the PVP community, he just hates the super toxic ones (who nobody likes anyways, INCLUDING most people in the pvp community).

Same could be said with some of the people here, where they just blindly hate on anyone they don’t like, for wanting to play the game in a different way.

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Someone needs to put pfp of people who talked on this thread on the heads of the guys in the painting

What a colorful assortment that’ll be.

this exactly, my message was not directed at pvpers in general, I was talking specifically to the people who hate on every single little thing done or not done to the game. Its gotten so bad that they’re even getting mad at their own assumptions, not even actual actions anymore.


none of these changes would change the fact that people overhate and doompost lol, if elysium was made free its not like they would magically stop hating everything thats done to the game

also like i said in my post, the only reason the game has pvp at this point is because without it, the game would not be sustainable to work on. Roblox is a kid focused platform, and kids like power tripping and rking, so if a game doesn’t have that then it will have way less players. Look at some of the non PvP RPGs’ player counts and you’ll see what I mean. If i could remove PvP and retain the same income I’d do it in a heartbeat cause I’m honestly sick of the toxicity it brings


this is the most real line of text i’ve ever seen


Sad but true facts about the current generation.

I feel like I aged 10 years just by typing that sentence.

we uncs now

im changing my name to theuncman lmfao


I aged 10 years just by reading your sentence and agreeing with it, and I’m not that old

brother this is so true

recently i’ve been trying to engage in pvp more but really only because im bored and want to be able to defend my self if i get jumped to be completely honest
and its always somewhat organized its not like im jumping anyone (that would just be lame (and i dont want to lose my precious galleons))

I dunno, I’ve kinda thought about it some and I don’t wanna delete my post but looking back I feel I don’t really fully agree with that statement I made now

A lot of the people in this thread have suggested very good points which is why I feel much more strongly now about having it still be around, but not be in such full force.

I still think forced PvP is super unfortunate, but stuff about there being no real challenge after everything is said and done is true, and roblox kids seeking to be the best at the most meaningless activities/power tripping/rking/everything like that is definitely a factor in player count.

I don’t think I’ll yap too much further on this entire thing, but generally I’d just like to see PvP either improved if possible so it’s not as dreaded, or it not being as forced for the people who are quite simply just playing casually (with of course limitations so it can’t be abused in any way)

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I’ve read more since i posted above and yeah ig pvp is necessary to an extent but some way, ANY way to avoid pvp DEFINITIVELY would be absolutely amazing cuz dawg I’m being honest here I slightly live in fear that I’m gonna get jumped and lose my galleons, I’m always checking the player profiles and trying to gauge if they could be a threat and I don’t wanna have to worry about being jumped, cuz there’s a big difference in my opinion between the more organized pvp I’ve been trying to engage in and being jumped cuz being jumped is just so sudden that i lose ALL of my composure when it happens and once I’m even slightly under control half my health is gone, compared to the “organized” pvp where i have time to get myself under control.
Thinking about it now it really just boils down to my situational awareness and my skill which i would really like to improve but man, again, I really would like to not have to deal with that. I’m one of the dudes who doesn’t like losing, I’m not gonna hide it i don’t think its fun to lose but sometimes its a fact of life and perhaps this is getting a bit too philosophical but i don’t want the Lego game to meld with life, as from what i can tell video games are supposed to be an escape from reality, where you can have fun, and I’m gonna be honest sudden pvp that i most of the time cant or are really bad at or avoiding or escaping from just really isn’t fun to me.

Anyways that’s my rant, have a good day.

i think my friend brought up a really good point regarding the whole “no pvp” thing


some years ago me and my vesteria guild at the time were into pvp, even though the game’s pvp is absolutely optional and had absolutely no overlap with pve content, which was like 96% of the game anyways. since the game’s pvp content was mostly localized to just one zone in the entire game, there wasn’t such a sharp divide between the small pvp group and like, the entire rest of the playerbase i guess

i know this game isn’t vesteria and there are actual features incentivizing open-world pvp, but maybe it would be helpful to take a “contained” approach to arcane’s pvp content, really separating it from pve so those who don’t want to deal with it, simply don’t have to at all


Honestly I felt really bad for you when I saw you let all that steam off of your chest in that announcement, I find it relatable in a way to have something you adore, a project you find dear to you get hated on so heavily.

As someone who does PVE I think that this rant Vetex went on is true since all the PVP’ers are super toxic for no absolute reason and I am on Vetex’s side here since he’s the only dev for AO.

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