Vetex's Rant (PVP & BALACING)

Bonus infamy

This is why I usually stick to smaller games that actually have PvP as the main focus if I want a PvP game, smaller as well as to not deal with uncalled for toxicity or generally people just being shitters

Yeah, ik. Like Black Magic and Critical Strike are way less toxic from my experience (I donā€™t remember the last time someone said ā€œezā€ in those, it was either silence or gg).

Honestly I canā€™t really say I like Black Magic or CS. CS is more obvious as to why but Black Magic just has too many issues for what they want to replicate. I respect what theyā€™re trying with the game at least, itā€™s very refreshing compared to most other roblox fighting games that are just generally the same slop copy and pasted. Though in that regard I would rather play an actual fighting game over Black Magic

(This also is more boiling down to my tastes, but Iā€™ve seen a fair bit of toxicity out of those two games regardless)


(Yeah, just different experiences ig)

Well I mostly play ETHRIX if I want to PvP nowadays.

I mean to be honest tho, I am sorta toxic as well nowadays since I sometimes try to insult the opponent in order to provoke them, which causes them to play more aggressively or waste time typing a longer sentence (since I can type REALLY fast on my laptop). Well I do say gg after regardless of the result ig.

Hereā€™s my two cents on this:

Frustration if the meta breaks temporarily, or if something is unbalanced is fine, but PLEASE god learn to keep your negative thoughts to yourself, the amount of complaining and accusing can be demoralising.

+it is not the end of the world if someone decides it would be funny to run an AoE warlord


Itā€™s astounding how much more toxic the Roblox community is nowadays compared to years ago

This is actually true, and I think itā€™s where most of this problem lies.

Iā€™ve been following Vetexā€™s work since before AA was even a concept. Between that game and AO, I actually believe Vetex has improved in his ability to balance his games, and even AA was balanced pretty well.

I remember when Impact Fist was first added, and people pretty much immediately realized it was broken as shit. I remember people being fairly normal about it, and faithful that Vetex would probably nerf it within a week or soā€“and he did. And everything was fine.

Back then, we also didnā€™t have a bunch of fuckinā€™ nobody content creators drumming up fake drama about the game being ā€œcookedā€ for clicks, so Iā€™m willing to believe that might be the main factor here.

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In my opinion, both sides are pretty terrible, since they just both constantly play the blame game on what side is making the game ā€œworseā€.

On one hand, you have all the PVPers, which enjoy playing the game that way, while on the other hand, you have the PVEers, who enjoy playing the game that way.

It just sucks that both sides seem to hate eachother so much, instead of just learning to co-exist, and understand that both are always going to exist, no matter what. And believe it or not, not every single PVPer is a sweaty kid who only wants to gank the level 80s, and are just people who LIKE pvp in games. Its undeniable that PVP keeps games like AO alive, and I hope it continues to improve as the game lives on.


Imo unfortunately I think itā€™s hard to co-exist in the first place when itā€™s such wildly different ways of playing the game

A pvp toggle with certain limitations (I.e. buffers before you can enable/disable pvp, having to wait a certain amount of time after enabling pvp before you can attack, thresholds in terms of reputation so people who are high on the leaderboards canā€™t abuse such a toggle, etc.) is the only way I can think of mediating stuff currently, but itā€™s hard to simply just co-exist with how the game is currently, with there being absolutely no way to just avoid pvp currently other than taking a death or winning despite tons of your hp being chunked off you in less than a second. I think itā€™d be fuckin awesome if being able to co-exist like that was possible, but as of right now with what we have, it ainā€™t

There will always be, to an extent, some form of anger with other sides of the playerbase, and obviously it isnā€™t something you can completely get rid of, but at best you could mediate it as much as possible

hey so you know how pokemon gives you the option to flee from random encounters?

This means basically nothing with the tools that are in the game currently, running isnā€™t the be all end all solution lmao

Having a way to dash isnā€™t gonna mean someoneā€™s just gonna let you go cause you started running as fast as you possibly could

argument thread fun :smile::smile::smile:

id be fine with pvp toggle, currently the games pvp mechanics encourage you to just jump people who dont expect to fight you and it feels like a waste of time and isnt fun to pvp people when you dont want to in an already grindy game, but i understand its also lacking in content and pvp toggle would hurt the player count

itā€™s not supposed to be, and it shouldnā€™t be.

the point is you have the chance. thatā€™s how it was in AA, and i enjoyed that game a hell of a lot more because at least if someone harassed me i could just run.

As stated by even vetex at this point, PVP toggles probably will never exist, but vet is going to add harsher penalties for attacking lower level players.

That being said, even though I sound like a broken record, the best way to counteract PVP is by learning PVP, which I truly think everyone should try to do at an extent because it opens up an entire new way to play the game.

Sadly, most people would just rather not even try to learn PVP, even though in my opinion, its probably the most fun thing to do in AO once you start really getting into it.


You have the slim chance and even then you will most likely get torn apart as you even attempt to run, at least as of right now thatā€™s how it is. I played AA and running was much more possible in that game too, but you get literally obliterated in AO for simply existing and then you try to run and it gets worse

People just donā€™t like PvP, itā€™s not something that should be forced onto people. I would agree with learning PvP if that is something everyone actually enjoyed, but it isnā€™t (I for one donā€™t enjoy PvP in this game at all, I donā€™t think it works very well with the gameā€™s combat but thatā€™s just me)

And adding harsher penalties for attacking lower level players unfortunately wonā€™t solve a lot, itā€™s more a bandaid solution than anything


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying.