Vetex's Rant (PVP & BALACING)

twiddling my thumbs until global pvp is removed for a dueling system or smth

Most big MMORPGs and ORPGs like WoW, Destiny, Black Desert and so on donā€™t even really have this divide we see in AO(Well, besides Black Desert, but Iā€™ll get to that). Why? Because there are systems in place and designated places and ways to get into PvP.

Destiny has designated arenas and game modes for the sole purpose of PvP, mostly because Bungie loves its fans and still are arena shooter developers at heart, poisoned though they may be by Activision. Outside of these arenas, there is no PvP in the game, whatsoever.

WoW has its War Mode, where you can toggle your PvP on and go into some large scale battles against the opposing faction. It even gives you benefits and rewards for performing well while youā€™re out there, and you can only turn it off after returning to a rest point like an Inn. This has worked well for a long while now, and has fostered a healthy community over many years(and honestly, Horde and Alliance players seem to get along pretty well(from what Iā€™ve seen)).

Black Desert is a little moreā€¦ Controversial. Itā€™s pretty similar to WoW, but also similar to AO in a lot of ways, especially considering AOā€™s planned future updates. There are safe zones where you canā€™t PvP at all, mostly towns and cities, but also designated PvP zones like arenas in the open world. You can toggle on your PvP mode and get straight to the ganking in the open world, but thereā€™s a twist that has caused some divide within the community. People who toggle their PvP on can attack folks who donā€™t have it toggled on. The catch? A Karma System, with penalties.

So, once a player becomes a Red Player in BD, they donā€™t benefit from systems like safezones and anyone can attack them at anytime. They can only defend themselves by toggling on their PvP, but will still reduce their Karma if they fight back. Thereā€™s also Naval Fame, which honestly functions very similarly to how Infamy works in AO. Once your Naval Fame is negative, you can only use a Pirate Island to resupply. This used to be true in AO, too, if I remember correctly. Thereā€™s even an area in BD where if you kill another player, youā€™re marked as an outlaw for an hour. If youā€™re killed by a player while an outlaw, you immediately go to prison in that area.

Thereā€™s solutions for the question of sieges and clan wars in AO to be found in Black Desert, too. They have designated times throughout the day when Nodes can be besieged by other Guilds. Sure, this is very different from AO, but once we get Clan building and such, getting attacked by another clan all the time after you spent so much time and effort building up your little island outpost would be a pain in the ass, so itā€™d make sense to set periodic times for when such things can happen.

This massive fucking wall of text is me saying that if we want PvP to not be such a divisive topic, it needs to be properly implemented. There needs to be systems in place. There needs to be penalties for being a shitstain. Any of the above systems would work perfectly, if you ask me.

Want PvP to be completely sidelined? Destinyā€™s arenas and gamemodes would work perfectly, and we see that a bit already with Munera and Elysium.

Want it to be a part of the game but not something you really have to do? WoWā€™s PvP toggle would work fine, and is honestly the safest bet to satisfy everyone. WoW even has PvP and PvE ā€œrealms,ā€ or servers, specifically for the purpose of catering to the two sides of their playerbase.

Want PvP to be a big part of your game but donā€™t want people to have incentives for being toxic? Black Desertā€™s systems are absolutely bloody perfect, and honestly would fit what Arcane Odyssey already has to a tee. I canā€™t stress this enough, AO and BD already have and will have so many parallels drawn between them as AO continues to receive updates that itā€™s scary. It would fit this little game so well.

TL;DR, AOā€™s PvP is divisive because this game isnā€™t finished yet. We donā€™t have proper systems implemented to discourage shitty behavior, and the entire PvP system just isnā€™t really complete yet, what with Clan Wars and Island Building still on the way. If we donā€™t want PvP to be the issue that it is, we need to take some pages from the books of other online RPGs, and see what fits.

I might be a schizo weeb sitting at his desk ranting about a lego engine game, but itā€™s a lego engine game I care about, that I donā€™t want there to be a war over.


The good pvper is the guy who always asks people if they want to fight, let them prepare for the fight, doesnā€™t say ā€œezā€, etc.
The bad pvper doesnā€™t do all of this (example: basically every pvper in the top 20 clans).
If every pvper was what I call a ā€œgood pvperā€, I wouldnā€™t have a single problem with pvp, probably like most pve-ers


Vetex is completely right here lol, i also despise toxic pvpers so this is relatable for me. Balancing doesnt even matter that much as long as i am strong enough to defeat the enemies i need to fight

I agree with this

Fuck the war between Sameria and Keraxe, hereā€™s the real war

Yeah and itā€™s the last thing we need right now.

This was perfectly said. A black desert system sounds good to me

someone get that man a diary :sob:

Itā€™s so awesome to see that even Vetex hates the PvP community as much as I do lmao

At least thatā€™s an opinion on which most of the community and Vetex agree

Yeah the pvp community are just a loud minority, I hope Vetex continues to clown on them so they move on to another game and leave forever

Itā€™s not even the PvP community Iā€™m against, itā€™s just that small little sect among them that look upon the JPG of the Troll face and see their God.

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To really fix the toxicity of the community, you have to cut out the chaff. Systems in place encourage toxicity, and itā€™ll only get worse next update, not better.

Right now? No real reason to steal islands from clans other than the infamy clout. In the Empires update though? Thereā€™s tangible benefit to each capturable island, and even people who are on the fence will probably be killing and stealing islands from people- just because the island they claimed is one they particularly favor or have good resource farms on.

Anyone can see Empires is going to just exasperate the existing community problems, PVP needs to see major reworks in how its implemented or things will only get worse from here. This could be anything from separation of clans into the pvp and non pvp crowd to trying to push pvp to more official areas via minigames like duels or clan wars facilitated through the game systems.

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Would be nice if clans were more accessible to non-pvp players since itā€™s currently the only way to have a bank outside of joining the GN & AS

It probably will have more features for PvE-focused clans eventually, with Raids and Legendary Ships. At least, Iā€™d think so.

Yeah, I know vet says he doesnt want to lock building behind pvp for clans but- by their nature clans are pvp (and the SHOULDNā€™T be). Itā€™ll be really hard to enjoy the feature casually.

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In happy vetex unleashed his anger and showed us how he really feels about this issueā€¦ As a PvEr I always thought some of the more vocal PVP players were a tad to adamant and abbrasive- And they should learn not everyone likes their attitude!

So, in conclusion, i appraise his homestly and integrity here! Hopefully nothing to evil transpiresā€¦

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