Vine Style | Fighting Style Concept (W/ animations!)

Vine Style | Fighting Style Concept (W/ animations!)
effort 4.9 10 quality 4.5 10 reasonability 4.2 10

Vine Style


Founded by a researcher of magic in the Nimbus Sea, Vesna Aves discovered that not only is magic present in the seas, but in the nature around us in small quantities. She also witnessed that living beings such as plants and wildlife can also have small amounts of magic within them, sharing the same energy system as humans. She used this knowledge to give permanent life to living beings as long as their energy system was bonded with hers. Permanently binding vines to her arms, she created a fighting style to compensate for her lack of magic for defense and fame. The vines are kept alive by your energy and somewhat fuse with your conscience as its life-force binds with yours. When mixed with human energy, their potential is only bound to the strength of their holder.


Vines will always surround your hands and eventually cover more areas like arms and hair with more mastery, undying due to the energy in your body. Every time the vines come in contact with enemy energy (such as neutral or positive clashing and hitting your enemy), your vines will grow as they absorb the energy and life-force of your enemy, allowing your attacks and M1’s more range.

Your vines will wane against heat based magics and corrosive magics such as poison and acid. They will also wane as you take more damage, decreasing their range.

If you hit your opponent three times within a short amount of time, they will gain a “Tangled” status effect which temporarily offs their movement, making every surface slippery until it wears off. This is because every hit, you wrap your opponent in vines. Doing this in short succession before they can break them off will cause them to get tangled in the vines. Every hit also inflicts Energy Exhaustion (Your enemy regenerates their mana slower, while yours regenerates faster) if you deal 20% or more of your enemy’s health.

The longer the vines, the slower the style is due to it taking a longer time to swing.

1.2x Damage
1.0x Speed to .8x Speed
1-1.5x Vertical Size
1x Base Size

Imbuements and Synergies:
Imbuements act as regular imbuements with the only catch being that the range of every attack will be increased the more damage you do to your enemy.
As well as this, the visual effects will be your fists or weapons being covered in vines as well as your body (depending on mastery).

Synergies have many double-edged swords for Vine Style.
Corrosive and Heat magics have a negative damage synergy but overall their status effects last longer due to the vines on the enemy’s body.
Soaked enemies have a passive .5% extra energy sap gain, meaning your vines will grow longer quicker.

How it Works

Vine Style does not involve you controlling the vines with magic, far from it. Due to being a fighting style in nature, you rely on your enhanced strength. You propel and swing your vines much like a whip to deal damage to enemies by using the spikes on the end.


Vine style can be found in (redacted Nimbus Sea location) and learnt through the founding NPC, Vesna Aves. Her quest consists of you finding various ingredients to further her studies (Tree Sap, Spices, Rock Salt, etc.). After completing the quest, Vesna will relinquish her vines unto you, giving you control over them as they bind with your energy system, turning your energy bar a slightly dark greenish gradient to the current corresponding color of your magic to represent it fusing with your energy system.

Without further ado, have fun watching the animations
(They aren’t the final product, just for reference :slight_smile: )


You could see a lot of potential, but… the range part is a bit… off-putting? It starts to feel more like a weapon bound to your body than an unarmed style, but there’s certainly something that could come out of it with more work… let’s give it time.


I mean it is sort of used as a weapon, but then again cannonfist seems like that too so I don’t see much of an issue there

Again, she’s giving it time, so… and yeah, cannon fist is basically a weapon…

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Wouldn’t poison damage fit much better here?

Don’t forget that fighting styles are something that can be switched around frequently.
If it happened like this it’d look a lot more permanent than it probably should.

Aside from that I’m completely down for plant combat.


They said the vines were tied to your life force, right? Could easily remove the vines and they would probably rapidly decay…

oh no I mean moreso that it makes it sound like the trainer would throw away her own power permanently to benefit you and if you got rid of it you wouldn’t be able to get it back.

@TheoreticalExistence im still deciding about whether I want to make it poison or bleeding, I’m leaning more towards bleeding though because itll get confusing with the synergies and stuff with poison

cool idea, but it would likely be considered a lost fighting style found in a scroll


I’m sorta confused tbh sorry :sob:

dunno how this doesn’t have 5 full stars for effort, you even made mock up animations of it



Why only the 4/5 for effort though?

i reserve 5 stars for suggestions like the ones crimsonpants makes, this is a good suggestion though

honestly I’d go with poison because iron leg already does bleeding.
if this ends up being a lost fighting style then vampirism would be the bleeding one too lol.

Tru Tru, I also thinking of something like energy exhaustion, where u Regen energy slower
Goes along with the theme

That would be an interesting status effect.
The target’s passive energy regen is lowered while the user’s is increased for the duration.

Heck, that could go alongside poison the same way bleeding and lifesteal go hand and hand for vampirism.

A different flavor of leech power that serves an entirely different purpose.


I like it… Changing it rn :smiling_imp:

I think instead of changing your energy bar to be more dark you should get little vines all around the corners


:thinking: depending on ur mastery that could be a good idea