Way to reverse ships ( ? )

Way to reverse ships ( ? ) https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/optimized/3X/0/8/08d97c1d418bd079b98290f172b9a16919f68fb4_2_1024x894.jpeg
effort 1.625 8 quality 2.875 8 reasonability 4.2 10

it was already bad

this needs to be added to the game I’m sick with having my brig stuck in between two docks and I cant wiggle out I NEED REVERSE

I’m fine with the idea because I occasionally get my brig stuck. Crew could just use a bunch of large oars instead to go back slowly. Probably not realistic but it is a fantasy game. We shouldnt even be able to sail from point a to point b in this game that smoothly but we are anyway. So I don’t see why not.

thank you you two, @TheoreticalExistence was right with the oars taking them back, it’d be like how they’re fishing and can just be a command

Not even that bad of a suggestion besides the magic propulsion part. It’s more akin to a QoL feature

dear god we dont need a modifier buff
plus jewels fill that purpose

alrighty ( rip that idea )

ay I have no problem with the idea of ships going backwards, just his “way” to do it

i changed it so you better change your opinion

read it now and the idea is to reverse ships not the way i was thinking it before it’d be too difficult given the ships size

Me personally I’d want ship reversing to be reserved to more technologically advanced ships. Which will give us an excuse for arcanium powered steamboats.

skyships, such mysterious ships we only see once…

it says the same thing

Think Again.

refresh your page and read the first post

modified weapons?

it still says you gotta tell the quartermaster to use oars which is unpractical so im not sure what you meant to change

give up

wdym impractical, it’s commanding him to get the crew to use them to sail backwards and then they use the oar animation and it goes backwards slowly, like how he commands the crew to unload

i mean the other options are either using a steam engine to go backwards, or that anchor method i found by researching