We should be able to suggest Lost/Primordial Magics

Why are you so angry? You said “year” with the rage of a tortured demon. You call my suggestion stupid for no reason. All I did was disagree. All of the shitpost suggestions won’t get any votes and therefor won’t be looked at by Vetex.

suggestions category is for serious suggestion that should be implemented in the game not shitposts or stuff which vetex would obviously not accept or look through this early, feel free to discuss it in #game-discussion if you want to discuss about lost magics and primordial if you’re that interested

Vetex can just automatically delete suggestions with >10 votes so that isn’t a problem at all. There is already a category for discussing suggestions and it is #suggestions.

That’s the point though, people already dislike suggestions for magic showing up randomly in game discussions. It only fits into suggestions, so if it can’t be posted there, where else can it go?

why should vetex delete suggestions? man already dealing with making tgr and he has to look through shitposting kids who just be like
'Funi magic idea pls ad vetex dnc if it’s not even on the roadmap and will be planned out a year or more later i have gud ide so u must ad if u dont u bad me flood category with funi idea"

no they dont

Vetex already deletes declined suggestions. He doesn’t even have to look at suggestions with >10 votes. He can just sort by most votes and purge any topics with less than 10 votes. It takes no time at all to delete them.

suggestions isn’t a category for talking about funi idea it’s a place for suggesting actual shit not stuff being added a long time later which vetex won’t accept cause too early

Dude take a look at the most recent post of a lost magic in the game discussion, people are confused why it’s there and not in suggestions. Plus if they don’t flood suggestions, it will flood game discussions instead.

“Suggestions isn’t a place for bad suggestions. It’s a place for good suggestions.” That’s the point of voting. Voting already gets rid of bad suggestions.

im not talking about bad suggestions you keep flooding the category with irrelevant suggestions good or not they’re irrelevant rn you guys keep wanting to flood magics with funi magic idea going to be added a year later so being in suncry has at least thought me one thing to not argue with people who won’t ever change their minds :v:

Again, suggestions are not meant to be full proof and airtight, they are just meant to put the ideas of the community into the mind of the developer. Vetex can easily ignore low effort posts or ideas he doesn’t like, that doesn’t mean they should be blacklisted from suggestions.

I have made 1 primordial suggestion since the last suggestion purge (Halloween event). Also, things that won’t be added for a while are not irrelevant. A lot of suggestions with a lot of votes cannot be implemented until multiple updates after TGR

I would like to remind yall that while all but one of the lost/primordial magic suggestions has been denied, it did happen once.

I personally don’t think we need more, in fact I am of the opinion we need less, but I disagree with banning suggestions of that type.

Yes but there have literally been 10 lost/primordial magic suggestions in the last 2 days

most of which were kinda bad ngl

  1. All but a few of those were by one person. I have suggested in the past that we limit suggestions to 1 per day. Eventually, those will die down, just like those 5 boss suggestions a while back.
  2. It takes around 5 seconds to scroll past those 10 suggestions.
  3. The bad ones got no votes so Vetex won’t look at them.
  4. There are some good ones that now cannot be created.

None of those were subjectively good by the majority… 99% of those were spam posts that make people think the suggestion category is for shitposting.

I definitely agree with idea of limiting daily suggesting because really who needs to suggest more than 1-2 times a day.

Again, all but a few of those spam suggestions were made by 1 person. Limiting suggestions to 1 per day will all but eliminate those. A lot of those suggestions were actually good, like frost, aurora, and (insert obama giving obama medal meme) quintessence.