Week of Discussion 1: Visuals

Good morning forums! Welcome to the first day of the Week of Discussion!
Today the topic is going to be surrounding Arcane Odyssey’s visuals.

Vetex is no artist, but we still should appreciate AO’s visuals.

Personally, I love the lighting and custom textures in Ravenna, however alternatively animations aren’t vetex’s strong point.

A couple discussion ideas:

  • Lighting
  • Textures
  • Animations
  • UI
  • Abilities and imbuements

The lighting of the interior of Fort Talos and the sunrise / sunset lighting are sexy af

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I completely agree. There’s something so dramatic about the half-light.
However Fort Talos on low graphics was not as fun, especially before I found a lantern.

When the weather isn’t foggy the game is absolutely gorgeous, and arguably has some of the best graphics on Roblox, every other aspect of the game is well made too, aside from maybe some character animations which can feel quite stiff


The fog in AO infuriates me. Its far too common. Hell even the night time fog is kinda frustrating. The sea on a clear night is BRIGHT. There are no other lights out there, so you get the FULL range of the stars, total cosmic view, it lights up everything gorgeously. Course on overcast days its pitch black out there, but I’d love to see AO actually flex its graphics a bit instead of restricting my vision constantly.


Yeah, I’d hope that vetex adjusts fog not just for hot islands but warmer climates in general - like the sea around Sameria or Ravenna is clear, whilst near Orthys it would make sense to have more fog.

the lightning is very good ( too good, sometimes eyeing frostmill and sandall ) and can make for some great sceneries

the drawing is okay, textures… i dont really what to say cause i dont even know what that is

animations are cool yeah, i like that weapon lmb actually have like a sequence instead of just a repeating attacking

ui, abilities and imbuements all look cool ( except for solid imbuement and crystal ), i personally prefer a simplistic style but ig it wouldnt suit AO’s general vibe, being high quality and all

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Screw you solution button get out of the way of my likes.

honestly, everytime i come back to ao after playing other roblox games, the graphics just astound me, there’s so much detail in them and it looks great

Sometimes either due to a bug or intentionally… I can gain sunsets in the dark sea! This happen once, but the clash of the purple and the gold felt rather mystical!


The magic effects are very cool, especially fire. Shooting the dragon cannons is so satisfying.

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Ya! People hate on crystal cause its ugly… but its NOT!

I’m assuming this is what you are talking about.
You are very right about how good it looks too


i love the graphics when mixing poison and plasma together, although i wish they doubled the amount of particles it produces as well as doubling the volume. it would make the visuals more pretty

the visuals are kinda ass excluding the divine radiant aura that surrounds iris :blush:

On graphics 10 Dark Sea visuals are really good…

But I can see them for like 5 minutes before my PC starts burning

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Yus, but there was another time when I entered the dark sea as the sun was setting on the bronze sea… which basically amplified that effect by a billion!

Just to prove your point
I don’t remember experiencing a not foggy night in AO

the art style is alright


Rubica in the soft bronze sunlight light is the most atmospheric place, with second comming Sailor Lodge insides at night with 10 graphic, and maybe Fort Talos

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