Week of Discussion 2: State of AO

Good Afternoon Forums! Welcome to the second day of the Week of Discussion. Today the topic is the state of AO. We’re in a strange position right now for the game, although we’ve not had an update for months Vetex has announced a switch to monthly updates, which present a great opportunity for both the current community and growth of the community.

As this topic can be particularly controversial, let me remind you that

  • Everyone is entitled to an opinion
  • Everyone is free to disagree or agree with your opinion.
  • Any attempts to derail this topic will be flagged.

Some ideas

  • State of the endgame
  • State of the current story content
  • State of pvp
  • State of balance

with monthly updates game is definitely going to move smoother
endgame right now is still pretty shaky for PVE until dark sea gets made better but I haven’t touched it with the new structures

same with PVP but maybe with some of the changes open world pvp in sameria won’t be too bad

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There is zero endgame content other than PVP, which will hopefully be fixed with the Kingdom alignment and clan building updates

Current story is pretty good for a Roblox game, however the level caps can be annoying in the progression which may discourage some players

PVP is bad as can be with a very high minmaxxing barrier to effectively participate in, also probably the most unfun time to pvp rn (many busted builds, potions, etc)

Balance is horrid, dodge reflexes and agility builds dominate PVP, and testers cant seem to make up their minds on a substat or power defense meta


My Endgame: Newgame>file>create>Explosive barrels (infinite sets till 125)

I say the endgame isn’t interesting enough for me to stick to one complete file, gotta make more.

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AO lacks consistency. I know Vetex is working very hard and quality over quantity seems like a good thing, but basically half a year with no updates just makes the game really hard to maintain the player count

Im glad monthly updates are a thing soon


It doesn’t fucking exist. you can farm, and then pvp, both are a waste of time

its fine ig? it gave us more lore in the first sea than arcane adventures

as i mentioned above, pvp is a waste of time, you either fight someone with 200 size 300 attack speed 600 defense or you are the person with 200 size 300 attack speed 600 defense

AO was never balanced, and the nimbus update will make this even worse, with 3 new stats, unnecessary nerfs and buffs to all items, hybrids losing most of their lost spells and more

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The game needs the alignement system and the clan building to have an actual endgame because rn it’s just minmaxing festival where you see how much you can minmax your build before you can no longer do it

I don’t have anything to say on this

I’m not much of a pvper but pvpers are either super nice or the most toxic players you’ll ever see and nothing between these two

Complicated to give my opinion on this since I don’t understand a damn thing of the balance doc. As for the game, I’d say it’s pretty balanced now

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Currently endgame consists of grinding and pvping because there isn’t much to do other than that, but you cant really blame vetex since the game is still early access

I love the story so far and can’t wait to experience more. Obviously there are some flaws but you have to remember that this is a roblox game and not a triple A game with an entire team of writers making the story

I don’t really pvp but I know the pvp community can be the most toxic people to grace the earth

Idk I mean its not great from all the complaints I see and its probably gonna get worse with the new stats that are coming and whatnot, I dont really care because I don’t pvp

The game is gonna be getting a lot of new content soon that will add stuff to do, especially in the empires update, as well as monthly updates which will keep the game fresh and new content coming regularly

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If Vet opens Elysium soon (full release?) hopefully with a raid boss (might be a stretch) then we’re going to have a decent set of endgame content.

  • New exploration areas
  • Dark sea + prospects of improvement
  • Kingdom Alignment
  • Clan building
  • Legendary and ghost ships
  • Elysium
  • A steady stream of story updates

Things are looking good, but I really hope clan building and kingdom alignment adds some pve opportunities which aren’t Atlanteans or Sirens

Idk how mad this will make people but I’m just gonna say it
Arcane adventures “story” in the first sea was ASS
Blox fruits had more story

For me I love the endgame! Which is the dark sea… I take a break from it a lot, but its fun! Story is also awesome! The big V is doing great… PvP is fine but everyone who pvps has the mental fortitude of a child with down syndrome… Balance is hard to do, but i think its pretty Alrighty!

theos: ayo go kill this edgy bitch
chief whoever the fuck: ayo my friend wants you to kill this sandy bitch
whats his face of savaria: ayo these sky motherfuckers want you to kill this angry bitch
theos: greetings my pupil get to level 100 so we can actually start the story :)

and it was a fucking masterpiece

i fucking love ganking random bitches like your chests are MINE!!!

Is was rather good during its time! But expectations are pretty higher now…

first sea story was ass
second sea story was decent
third sea story WOULD’VE BEEN good (fuck you roblox)

its okay, good for a roblox game but kinda meh rn

i know that its the beginning yes, im just giving my opinion of the story as of now

a cycle of “too op, nerf ( someone in the balance got their ass kicked )” → “wait too much, buff it ( someone in the balance team uses it )” → “wait its op again, nerf it someone in the balance got their ass kicked )”

someone pull up that gif of people throwing fireworks at each others please

overall i think its fine, i do have low expectation about things tho

I think the games current state is okay-ish, but I do kinda want to envision what we have/need for the future to draw out the endgame and make it more fun to engage with while we wait for the new story/feature/whatever content.

I wanna get into what I think are gonna be the ‘endgame pillars’. What the ‘state of the game’ will be balanced around in the future, near or far.

Pillar 1: Dark Sea

Goes without saying, right now the Dark Sea is THE end game content. Alone or with friends. Yet, there IS a problem. Runs in the Dark Sea tend to veer on the longer side, you can go several minutes between actively ‘doing’ something, and to get a large, worthwhile amount of loot, sometimes you feel like you have to drag the run for hours…

Recent changes to make exotic scrolls guaranteed over rare will definitely help, you won’t need to hoard so many to boost your chances.

Yet rewards are NOT all people care about. The biggest issue with the Dark Sea is the lack of variety, which yeah, I know it ain’t done, but upgrades to the random gen islands would do wonders, as well as ensuring that people are consistently running across islands. Some find the Dark Sea a slog because it can take them forever to get to somewhere where they can have fun.

Pillar 2: Elysium Raids

Not even in the game yet, but I forsee being a BIG part of the endgame of each update is ‘Elysium Raids’. These are a feature mentioned in passing when Elysium was made. Basically just sounds like boss fights with lore characters that are designed for larger groups of players to take on together.

This plays into something AO needs to focus on heavily: Fostering community. A lotta people look for social interaction in a game like this- and contrary to what some PVP meathead might tell you, these interactions have nothing to do with player conflict or hunting. People want to build a community with others they can just hang out with and enjoy the game. That attitude isn’t well protected in the current game design, but I’m confident AO will get there.

Pillar 3: Clans

I think Clans are the pillar everyone ‘sees’. Everyone knows Clans are gonna be one of the ‘be-all, end-all’ pieces of the endgame content. I mean, they’re gonna be able to build towns and castles n’ stuff and deploy guards there, that’s gonna absolutely be appealing to the PVE crowd.

A shame I forsee a lot of hidden tripwires on our way to perfect clans though. PVE content like farming, building, etc, is gonna be locked behind the mire that is the PVP world. Having to basically babysit your farm to make sure some dude doesn’t come and delete your claim because HE wants the island isn’t gonna be very fun for the average PVE player. PVP players and mixed enjoyment players are probably gonna have a ball though.

Pillar 4: Auction House

Probably THE most important Pillar (we love Headless 'round here), Auction House is something that will make EVERYONES life better. Don’t wanna grind Calvus for 3 hours to complete your new set? You can just do some stuff you actually WANT to do, and then PAY for the drop on the auction house! Pve players can start raking in cash in an infinite loop of farm->sell->buy, and PVP players can simply buy stuff they need/want. They don’t have to go out of their way if they want healing potions, or perfect gear on a side build, they can just pay for it.

Super helpful feature, it’s gonna be a backbone of AO’s lategame for sure.

Yap session has commenced, tune in next week.

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Vetex really needs to get clan building right but if he does we’re winning.