Week of Discussion 4: The Community

Good Night Forums! Welcome to the fourth day of the week of discussion!

AO is heavily supported by its community, which admittedly can be a bit extreme sometimes. However it’s also full of great people and things.

Today the topic is your favourite community moments, whether in game, the discord or here - I want to hear them.

Some ideas

  • In game interactions you’ve had
  • Forum events you’ve participated in
  • Forum events you’ve ran
  • Interactions in the discord

Hi :wave:. I was in the Tarot Card art collab and that was very cool :sunglasses: (what am I doing here at 1 am).

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Does winning 2v1 as warlord-savant counts as “best game interaction i’ve had”?

That time when a villain knight that tried to hunt me in the middle of my dark sea expedition and decided to team up against 2 atlantean brigs coming towards us when he could’ve just continue trying to kill me since I was losing against him.

Some of the most fun I’ve had was running the three Forum Curses games. Prometheus’ Arena especially now that many of its participants aren’t as active on the forums anymore.
Randomly meeting nice people in game is always fun.

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I was watching someone cooking in ravenna for no reason
And he gave me that meal he just made right before
I paid galleons for it later

We did not talk in message or chat or something, this just happend
I love moments like this

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I’m usually lucky with community interactions but I know it can be a bit toxic

I’ve been waiting for this one…
Yeah so the community is definitely the worst part of ao, it’s full of toxicity and people who love to ruin others experience in the game. Some parts of the community are great, mainly pvers who are pretty chill, but clans and pvpers make me wanna ropemaxx

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Sometimes randomly seeing forumers in the same server is fun. Usually I just chalk it up as a random encounter and said hi at most but there was one time I trolled one particular person

And let’s not forget the 1.13.36 - 37 ship docking incident where everyone, regardless of status, decided to sit down and fish peacefully at Ravenna

now that I’ve seen the ss again why didn’t I noticed there was literally a dude named CBTman :sleeper:

fed up of half the game players being 7 year old morons, or just people that are wrong and don’t wanna admit it, or blox fruit players or anything really

Somehow i’ve never met any forumer in-game except for once or twice

  • In game interactions you’ve had
    very limited friendly that I didn’t have to be the one to start the interaction
    most just didn’t care that i was there
    about 70% of level 125 interactions that i didn’t start were people who were ganking me

  • Forum events you’ve participated in
    never went to an event I’m not what you would call a good player (aka i am not cool)

  • Forum events you’ve ran
    N/A never ran never had an idea for a event

  • Interactions in the discord
    I’m not very active just there to answer some questions if I’m bored

  • “Health of the community”
    I think it’s not great it may be that I avoid most mainstream games that attract all kinds of players good and bad. sticking to lesser-played games with older players (like DRG,HD2,TF2 ,and TF2 for shooters)
    but overall it’s very much a 0.1% good active players
    98.9% i want to do my own thing
    1.9% gankers
    0.1% people who think it’s funny to kill off the player base

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I was doing a cargo run and some assassin ship which I agro’d followed me and I killed it’s crew out of rage. I forgot to stop my ship and the cargo sank. 2 players attempted to retrieve the cargo but it had unfortunately sank.

cbt and faye are my infamy slaves :hugs:

If I’m going to be honest, most of the community just sucks. Besides the Arthub which is really friendly but other than that a lot of the discord communities aren’t the best simply because it’s generally made of anime kids who are from other toxic communities trying to ruin your day and see you enraged for an ego boost.

Bleeds into the games as well, of course. At least, there are smaller servers so I can reduce the odds of being attacked by some middle schooler with an ego bigger than your mom.

Great example of. I’ve been attacked in the dark sea with @SpectreTheFox by some lightning conjurer sweat and metal mage once when we were fishing. Presumably they wanted chests, but they just wasted their time.

Also had to deal with random Ravenna ganks as well, several times. And, of course, Noble. I don’t think I should say much more than that.

I have a very mixed view on the community, both in-game and in the various discord servers. For every kind interaction I’ve had, one or more toxic interactions follow shortly after.

like all communities: some good, some bad, mostly bad

its cool most of the time, i like doing random meaningless stuffs with randos and most of the time its cool and chill

ehhh none? im not very sociable… ( its more like, the closer i am to someone the more distance i am ig )

well, theres the luck party thing, though i never actually got to do that properly cause busy and bad ( internet ) luck lol

theres also the 100k galleon quiz thing if that count?


not much, maybe except for the luck party server

i was in the roselight guild training group once but its dead now lol

theres also the suncry discord, several forum discords, the artist discord,… all of which i rarely interact with cause i dont know many people there

overall i would say its fine, could just be nostalgia or sentimentality cause this is my first forum, but ive met lots of wonderful people here like Tarwarn, liu, Zel, Bluemin, Extro, etc.

tldr: its been enjoyable

People on the forums can be chill but also quite toxic, theres lots of talented people on the forum too! Some art and builds of structures are really impressive to me.
As for the game I can come across some great players that are fun and chill to talk too and interact with in game but then of course you have the toxic, rude pvpers that just spoil the fun.

Its really easy to just chalk this community up to be weird and toxic but I genuinely think theres lots of great people on here that are extremely talented in what they like to do!

Pretty cool :+1: