What are the new fighting styles again?

To be fair, that’s how most players use warlord

Argos is apparently Brute Force, it could honestly just be upgraded Basic Combat.

We actually haven’t fought a single style from a unique NPC besides basic combat and a few moves that use it a little bit.

I remember the topic where the Brute Force idea was created it’s completely fanmade

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Brute Strength was wiki misinformation, no one has ever provided an official source for it.

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oh God don’t start this again…

not-so-basic combat

Correct! Argos’ style (if it even is one) has never been given an official name.

The fact that we all know the sources of factual information are all on fire, but when the wiki is misinformed, it’s suddenly our fault.

Calvus uses Iron Leg, but he only has two attacks with it :pensive:

we can forgive disinformation, but you are actively spreading misinformation

Okay, but genuine question, what do you think a lost style is? I’m not tryna make a point or anything.

I prefer to call his fighting style “Leg”

fighting style that requires an amount of strength that only strength focused hybrids or berserker can get, that has more stat efficiency and can be upgraded to ancient

Kind of hard to measure with stat efficiency. Also, you’ve described any other style besides basic, requiring a certain amount of strength.

savant, and a non strength focused hybrid (such as magic focused warlock or something)

So just no savants allowed? That sounds lame.
I like my idea of them being “lost” because nobody’s teaching them in the war seas.

you literally only read the first word of my post bruh

I had nothing else to say about the second part, that doesn’t mean I ignored it. You’ve exclusively listed a stat requirement.


also lack of mentor that will EVER be added, they are exclusively obtained through upgrading and scrolls