What can super-strength do that telekinesis can’t?

Telekinesis could cause very precise and lethal internal damage at long range.

Doesn’t matter how physically strong or resilient you are when your vital organs are getting torn apart from long range, no amount of raw physical power is going to stop your brain from detaching from your spine.


That’s just wrong on every possible level.

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Meh I said sometimes

Not every time AND especially not in irl you would just be a human tank

what if I said that the power you speak of, as it only comes “sometimes”?power that comes “sometimes?”](Enhanced Body | Superpower Wiki | Fandom)

super strength is just a sub-power (sometimes byproduct) of it

True dat I am not trying to make an argument here so yea

That implies a 6th sense kind’ve thing is involved

I could argue about this but basically I was meaning in fiction sometimes super strength comes with hypersonic speed.SOMETIMES ok SOMETIMES but as I was saying in irl with super strength you would just be a human tank. And telekinesis would easily win


Yes it is.
That would be absolutely unimaginable pain to whoever is receiving that… probably.
Won’t be feeling much without a nervous system.

That is the advantage telekinesis would have, though.
If it requires direct eye contact then go for the eyes.

There’s a bit more to it than slamming people into walls and walls into people.

Or just knowing anatomy enough to understand what you could attack from within to absolutely ruin somebody.
A person’s brain is in their head, their kneecaps are at their knees, you get the idea.

That implies your telekinesis works beyond what you can immediately sense.

Also, I don’t think you know the effort needed to aim such a thing without a form of 6th sense.

The army are trained to know where you’re vital organs are, doesn’t mean they’re going to 100% hit your vital organs even while knowing where they are especially on a moving target.

Telekinesis has the disadvantage of requiring intense concentration to use

the super strength user can just throw a giant rock at them and they’d have to block/throw the rock away and that leaves them wide open for a punch hard enough to splatter their pieces on the wall

but this varies depending on where they’re fighting, and whether or not the TK user can fly themselves

It’s almost impossible to tell who will win it’s not just about the ability but who’s using it. Is the telekinesis user a very skilled concentrated and focused person That can lift mountains or is it less. This goes for the same with the superstrength person do they get massively hyper sonic speeds With the durability of a mountain and lots of other stuff. It just depends on who’s using it and what’s the powers buffs weaknesses.

A clear winner I don’t really know since they have their buffs and weaknesses and also depends like it does the super strength give you speed.I don’t really care

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so someone like the Hulk vs Jean Grey?

(didn’t work out so well for Jean btw)

Hulk overpowered her mind control through sheer willpower and backhanded her into a wall

Kinda? It just depends on who’s more skilled

In like a fight against an amateur telekinesis user versus an amateur superstrength user

There’s really no clear winner