What can super-strength do that telekinesis can’t?

super strength usually mean super speed and durability to boot

and amateur TK users can’t use pinpointed TK blasts or pull nerves or anything crazy so they die

You do got a point Now I’m not one-sided right now but there’s a lot of things that goes into a fight like for example is the telekinesis these are very smart but they’re durability lacks. Or for the strength user their speed and strength increases tremendously but they’re not that smart and don’t know really anything about combat. There’s a lot of things that go into a fight but against an amateur telekinesis user an amateur strength user that don’t know their powers well. I would say the strength user wins because at least they get the concept of it Probably more than freaking telekinesis

It’s just who masters their powers

this is the winning argument


Yea it takes a smart mind and very concentrated one to master and used telekinesis. Not saying the superstrength guy Can easily master his powers I’m just saying the concept of super strength to the average person is probably a lot more to telekinesis

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exactly bro

@TheoreticalExistence @Level what say you?

Now a mastered tk is different but I am not getting into that

As I said before, no amount of raw physical power and durability is going to protect you from internal damage.

No matter how strong you are, if your brain is crushed, exploded, or straight up detached.
You’re dead on the spot.
You can’t run without knees and you can’t punch without elbows.

Well as I said as well the durability can withstand explosions and we’re talking a amuter who dosent know the full extent of there power and the super strength speed and power would kill the telekinesis user on the speed

And you gotta remember the telekinesis user is just useing telekinesis not anything else the super strength user would just use super sonic speed and kill him before he had the chance to use his telekinesis powers

Also one more point telekinesis can easily fail to a person stronger than then you cant just detached a head from a super strength user or crush them

I didn’t say rip off their head, I said detach their brain internally.
As in removing their brain from their spine.
Or if their brain stem is just THAT resilient somehow, just slam their brain around their skull a few times and cause an extremely lethal concussion… several times over.

1 even if the amatur did know that frist there telekinesis wouldn’t be that strong and 2 howww? Like I have seen no one use telekinesis like that

Anyways I don’t know how they would reacted to light speed

Well most things that show telekinesis don’t want it to be the ultimate hard counter to literally everything by just executing at range with no possible way to counter it.

Cough cough light speed person wouldn’t be able to react

Oh my bad

Thought it said something else

There’s way worse things you could do with telekinesis…
Like using it the way people expect it to be used.

I dunno about you but having your entire body shut down completely at once sounds alot less painful than getting slammed into a wall until you stop struggling.

It probably scales with brain power/neurons. Super Strength is based upon muscle.