What do you hate most about World of Magic?

“It consists of a gas of ions - atoms which have some of their orbital electrons removed” literally says so in your image.

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And stop it with your “Chemical reaction” bullshit, it means nothing because a chemical reaction CAN CREATE STATES OF MATTER.
Have you never made a baking soda & vinegar volcano?

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“Its a chemical reaction it cant produce states of matter”

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…you could’ve just said ‘‘my bad’’

I just showed you proof from a trusted source, I have no reason to continue this conversation

I never said chemical reactions can’t Change the states of matter of elements

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Thing is im not - nor have I ever been wrong here.

If anybody shouldve gone “my bad”, its you.


Proof that fire is shit.

Nah, plasma’s definitely a full fledged state of matter - it’s as distinct from gases as solids are from liquids.

You’re not taught about it in schools because to understand what makes them different you need to know about sub-atomic particles, and aside from fire you’ll never encounter it in day to day life anyway.

Throwing my hat into the ring, fire is hot air - sometimes it’s hot enough to be a plasma, sometimes it’s still a gas.
The real question is why isn’t fire magic a subset of wind magic.
The real answer is because that’d be dumb.

no update ok

Screenshot 2020-08-21 at 10.02.02 AM

I hate the fact that Vetex doesn’t understand that fighting npcs is already annoying enough.

not necessarily hard

more annoying

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Better then cheesing NPCs with melee spam which would be a big problem in the future.

Bro the period is too short we dont call them plasma.
Electrons aren’t even able to move freely since fire is combustion, which is the formation of simple molecular structures. Totally not plasma.
Please comfirm the information youve learned first.

I can already kill any npc with a sword in like 7 hits as long as they’re stuck in a move
this would of definitely become a big issue in the future

Fluorescent lights, Neon signs, Stars.
Theres lots of places where you find plasma in your everyday life

wdym 7 hits with a sword

I kill them in 2 most of the time and sometimes in 1

also I don’t really see this change as being so bad, like yea more rng, fucking sucks because there’s already way too much of it in the game

But at least now you won’t be able to run up to an npc with a sword without t…trading…dam…damage…


Just do some research before acting like a bloke.
Fire is able to produce plasma.

so because your mom was able to make you she’s a fetus?

Bro just because fire can make plasma given the right circumstances doesn’t mean it is plasma

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Now youre exaggerating things, never did i say “Fire can produce plasma so fire is plasma!”