What do you hate most about World of Magic?

Doesn’t mean the fire is a plasma though

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Tell me then what is an object.

an object is something made up of atoms that you can interact with in any way, shape or form

not a fucking adjective/classification LMAO

OMG please stop Google-ing. Go ask the teacher. IN THE SIGHT OF MACROSTRUCTURE.

a material thing that can be seen and touched.

according to google :+1:


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Listen, youre misinterpreting what i meant, I meant that literally anything that is a state of matter (like water or wood) is an object. Even a single atom is an object.
Sorry if you misunderstood

haha yes silent tower go boom boom

If something produces a state of matter, it must produce matter in the first place to have that state of matter.

Yesterday I destroyed the silent tower got stuck in the wall and had my game crash 2 minutes later while also playing the game as if it were a slideshow.

The definition of Fire is mean the reaction --combustion
It means nothing with materials.

sorry I tagged the wrong guy

yeah it is what’s your point this has nothing to do with our argument

you’re the one misinterpreting what I meant, you think I think chemical reactions can not merge and react to form different materials, shapes etc. which can have a state of matter assigned to them

no dumbass all I think is that fire isn’t a plasma

Does it even matter? Its a magic game it doesn’t need logic. @Pedro @Spider_Language

Dude you can’t make a state of matter

You can only make a material which can have a state of matter assigned to it

And what does fire have? a flame. What does a flame have? stuff.

Jesus Christ do you know what is combustion

no it doesn’t, but nothing matters in the end anyway so we may as well keep going, I apologize if the thread gets closed because of us :frowning:

if you have no idea what is combustion just stop

He probably doesn’t, seeing as I’ve never used the word in this entire conversation

saying “I made matter!” Is the exact same as saying “I made a state of matter!”
Because matter MUST always be connected to some type of state of matter.
So matter and state of matter is always intertwined