What do you hate most about World of Magic?


Bruh , I almost got killed by a level 30 or 40 dark wizArd npc spamming 20 wind blast barrage while exploRing the graveyard , I was literally stuck to the wall getting blasted by 5 20 wind barrage and only manages to survive because I glitches inside the floor and magic high jump out of it ( and at the time I was level 80 , had 1011 health , and also had OP weapon and enchant )

I hate overrated magic and everyone who uses them ( this include lost and primordial )

I’ll make a rant about this later so keep a eye out

pain pain


and pain again + pain

lmao pain intensifies

i really hate how magic circles freeze you in place


I despise that shit too

it breaks flow doesn’t it

Weapons without cast time have entered the chat

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Why do I already know this??

the grinding + luck required for the top tier items
the ping issue in PvP
ash/poison cloud lag

if you think you know that a chemical process can be plasma then you’re wrong

let me put it into simple terms so you can understand.
Plasma can be created by heat or electricity.
A chemical reaction (Exothermic reaction) produces heat
Heat can create plasma. (If its a gas thats heated ofc)
A chemical reaction (Exothermic reaction) can create plasma.

and why are you bringing back this drama again?

yes dude the argument has ended 3478239 years ago

this is what i’ve been arguing for all this god damn time why in the name of fucking bricks are you explaining the very thing I was trying to explain to you, to me?

oh damn you really had to specify that it’s an exothermic reaction too wow damn bro totally didn’t know that wooowww you’re so smart bro wooow such useful information wooowwww

?? im confused, first you said that a chemical reaction cannot produce plasma, now youre saying it can.

yea it sucks, have you ever been 20 blasted by an npc into a wall tho that shit is a pain

nerf wind

produce? bitch you were saying that the chemical reaction can TURN INTO PLASMA

if youre talking about me saying that fire is plasma then I already told you that was a mistake on my part.
and i dont know what it is thats wrong with you but youre always so damn aggressive for no fucking reason at all

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here’s your fucking answer
now stfu and move on