What do you hate most about World of Magic?

Can yall stop arguing on this thread. :neutral_face:

Wow this post went on for umm… quite awhile lmao
But because i can i hate that re enchanting isn’t a feature and jerks who kill every shop keeper that they can :expressionless:

They are supposed to be. Vetex has stated that if any one magic is unbalanced and if someone tells him about it, then he’ll change it to make it balanced like the rest.

Each magic is supposed to have its own individual weaknesses and strengths. That’s not supposed to make them unbalanced.

Thing is they arent.

smh plasma isnt a chemical thing but fire is

btw Ima shut it from here on I want no beef to contenue

if your criminal record exceeds 10, making you only gain 1 reputation for any instance of gaining reputation, and your reputation is demon with no bounty and we assume that reputation does not affect time in jail and is only affected by bounty then to get back to a good rep and remove the criminal record would require you to surrender 6651 times with each being 30 seconds, whichc is 3325.5 minutes which would be more than 50 hours, and that’s to even start being able to start being able to gain reputation through any methods apart from surrendering and staying in jail, after that you’d need to start doing quests or start killing npcs with a negative reputation (bandits dark wizards not bounty hunters or civilians with a low reputation) which I’m not even going to try to calculate, if your criminal record exceeds 10 and you want to get positive rep you might as well just make a new file, even that’s a lot quicker.

Edit: it caps at 10% now, good change

Well crap.

What do you think the future hero to villain ratio will be then?

  • Option A: People goof up and go villain because why not

  • Option B: People get to scared to goof up and we still have more heroes than villains.

A bit hard to know considering how anyone could just make an alt to do the good rep stuff

lightning gives me brain damage
sunken sword gives me double the brain damage
ash gives me brain damage
every status effects that leaves you vulnerable gives me brain damage
some member of the community who ask the most braindead questions or theories because they cant bother reading the lore playing the game or reading the FAQ
1000+ health sunken sword spammers

ah yes those are…

It caps at 10% now.

I fucking hate old sword and sunken sword users who’s only single strategy is to excessively run up to the player and spam great slash with no consequences.

ugh i know i’m quite late because i’ve been taking a break from this game but one of the many things i hate about it is the combat:

  • it’s not engaging and the cast time is way too slow
  • people heal to quickly
  • element seems to contribute almost nothing
  • the most important factor is your gear and enchantments which is so annoying lol
  • the spells / attacks are uninteresting

What I hate the most?
vibe check

The combat is quite engaging personally, and the cast time is completely magic and stat dependent.
I agree that people heal too quickly. The part I unagree the most is the spells and attacks. You can customize them to your will, which is the best part. Lost Spell scrolls are coming soon too which will allow you to get more unique spells for your magics along with the fact Lost Magic Scrolls and Primordial Magic Scrolls will have magics with custom spells sometimes.


insult my shitty grammar and you get the gun

jk please don’t bully me

