What do you hate most about World of Magic?

how fishing is too grindy i used to play like 2 hours a day after fishing though i play like 20 mins every week. idk though its weird how a new feature can be a total turnoff when nothing was removed and stuff was only added

This annoyed me a lot in the discord. People were praising the game like it was the Messiah, said to liberate the world from bad roblox games everywhere.

JUMBO SHRIMP :rofl: :hugs: :joy: :joy:

This also.
I’d rather Vetex remove in-combat HP regen entirely. He could increase the maximum base HP or make a similar adjustment, but as it is now the combat regen kind of takes away the fun and stakes out of a confrontation. I know WoM isn’t supposed to be “r0bLoX dArKs0uLs” or something, but come on. It ruins the immersion for me.

If Vetex focuses on realism too much in that aspect, some magics would just be horrible and others god-tier. It’d break the balance.
A similar issue can be found in Rock-Paper-Scissors, where realistically paper would be useless, and rock would just destroy everything.

I fully agree with every point, but would like to add that if the bandits’ level of difficulty (like a strength in numbers thing) were added to a boss, I’d be content. As of now though, bandits are literally harder than mini-bosses to beat. It’s really stupid.

The thing I hate is how the NPCs are kinda lifeless, especially the Guards. They don’t move around or do anything or even sleep. It makes the game feel less… alive. Realistically, the Magic Council wouldn’t be that dumb to put camps right next to dark wizards, and not even bother do do anything about them. Instead, they see some random dude talking to them, and think: “HEY, y’know what, this dude kinda hot af, ima make him kill those bandits over there that my soldiers are too lazy to deal with :stuck_out_tongue: .” But yeah, to improve, there should be random patrols of Magic Council Scouts basically just walking around together looking for Dark Wizards and bandits. Another thing that seems kinda odd is how DARK WIZARDS AND BANDITS DONT GET ARRESTED. Instead, they get brutally murdered. What makes a level 10 -256 Rep Bandit deserve to die, but a level 80 Tyrant have to get arrested? And also, the bandits and dark wizards say they’re “SO DANGEROUS”, but they don’t even bother to raid towns. So, what if some of the Bandit Organizations, like Rising Mist or something, every so often send Bandits to raid a nearby town. Their main goal would be to pillage all the private chests, and if they did, they basically bankrupt the town, and the town is deserted for like 1 or 2 in game days.

Anyways, just make NPCs more lifelike, and actually do things on their own like patrol or raids, or just at least feel more alive than they already are.

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Also, why the heck is it harder to kill Bandits than Dark Wizards.

I think it’s because bandits have a lower cooldown before attacking, or atleast that’s what it feels like.

I hate how pvp is based around the faster magic, like the damage increase doesn’t make up for the MUCH slower speed and faster magics are just able to get way more damage out then any slow magic and it is next to impossible to dodge
Take ice for example, its magic speed is 0.8x the average and it has average dmg dealing 0.925. Then look at light, the FASTEST magic in the game, having a magic speed of 1.5x and dealing 0.85x dmg. Like the slightly more dmg ice deals doesn’t come close to making up for that MASSIVE speed gap, clashing rarely happens too because pvp works as reactionary based fighting. It is just annoying how much the game favours fast magics.

To be honest, good rep quests ask you to defeat x enemy while bad rep quests ask you to kill.
Well at least that’s what I heard, I’m not really sure about it

That should help for the damage part, so that fast magics won’t benefit that much from the power stat. I agree that it’s indeed very hard to hit with slow magics, HOWEVER beams do exist along with placed explosion and speed doesn’t impact those very much

Clashing WILL happen later very often due to the endlessly increasing size of spells when levelling up, and ice has a heavy focus on combos while light doesn’t have any.

I’m talking about currently, in the future most of my complains won’t be as bad right now, but as it stands fast magics will always do better than slow ones, especially due to their effects, even with the new update that slightly nerfs them.

You say that placed explosions and beams can help, but using those leave you EXTREMELY vulnerable, especially when dealing with magics like plasma or light, a triple shot blast attack from either of those will punish you SEVERELY for ever trying to use those attacks, especially with the less range on beam attacks for heavy magics.

Ultimately, my complains are only temporary as I stated above, but going any slow magic at the moment is just completely unfavourable with the way pvp plays out right now.


Another thing I hate is how I can’t do anything against water/ink users when I’m fighting them as a lightning user.

All of a sudden World of Magic turns into World of Weapons

…You can literally zap their puddles to make them yours.
I assume you might deal more damage against them when they are charging like if they had the soaked/inked effect, but I never actually tried such thing, only heard about it.
Finally, it’s not like if they won that much in clashes against lightning, Since lightning is fast, clashing is easy to avoid .

Anyway, I’m pretty sure the lightning user has the advantage in that situation.

Its too bad they don’t :pensive:


So whenever a lightning user and an ink/water user clash, the lightning blast just instantly dissipates, while the water user’s blast keeps going.

Its extremely bad when you’re in a 1v1, because clashes are very very likely.

It’s not hard to avoid clashing with the second fastest magic of the game, you simply run in a direction for a split second and shoot after they released their spell.

That was before beams were in the game.