What is 'femtex'?

Ive heard the term thrown around a couple times but i still dont know whether or not it is either an actual user or just an inside joke. Could someone more experienced and cultured explain? Thanks in advance.

Female Vetex, de facto mascot of the forums


And vetex is the developer, correct?


Alright well that clears things up

a mistake

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A big one

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Any examples? (For scientific purposes of course)

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Yall weird af

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Don’t worry Platinum, even though there hasn’t been another installment since September, I plan on releasing as animatic/animation before AO releases. :mariomug: :+1:

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truer words never spoken, my vixen friend

since I don’t wanna ping the artist their original post can be found here.

Oh cool
You guys have some pretty talented artists

i have ptsd from this oh god no…

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