What is going on with Nimbus Sea development?

Apparently Vet is working on it but the patch notes have not been updated. Has anything been said in Patreon chat about nimbus sea’s development or is vet just storyboarding rn?

If you are to leak something make sure it isn’t something that could get you in trouble. I just wanna know what’s going on and as a community I feel we deserve to know at least something.

Ofc, I want development to start right away. But if Vet is going through smth or is dealing with personal issues or he’s working on the story planning I feel as a community we should be told, even if it’s something vague like “Guys I’m going through something personal” or “I have other obligations at this moment”

its been 2 days relax, theres been times where youd go a week without trello updates


It’s closer to 3 now

These would always be accompanied by an explanation

“I’m on vacation”
“I’m not at home
“I’m moving”
I remember one of his hiatuses was some sort of plumbing issue or some sort of winter weather related issue or smth idk
Point is they would always have explanation
There was also the famous porch collapse

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it’s thanksgiving week, let him take a break


Wouldn’t be surprised if this were this case.

This isn’t a start development now or else type post
I just wanna know what’s happening.

Any reason is valid as you mentioned because it is that time of year.
I’d just prefer something like
“Hi I’m not developing x update for y amount of time because of z”

as surprising as it is, vetex is actually a real human being who can’t pump out updates 24/7
also iirc he said he was fixing some bugs that happened from roblox updating



He is writing the nimbus sea story



Chillax a bit.

Roblox is currently taking up his time, since stupid things that should’ve been there from the get go. Debugging, Memory issues, etc.

He has to find and search for himself to the point he made his own system for it in it’s stead.

It’s not coming out by the end of this year for sure as said from himself and expect it in Feb-March timeframe.


He also has to fix the new resurging Trading Exploit yoinking ppl’s items again.




he is cooking


U use light mode
My eyes are now burning

The reason theres no trello updates is because he is making the story, which he obviously wont spoil. We will probably eventually get like a single update in a couple weeks about chapter 1 finished or something of the sort.

the entire bronze sea story while it was being made:

excuse me?
Welp guess its time to not play the game for another week

From what i hear it’s being pushed around, but no one seems to have made tickets about it thus far according to Perf yesterday:

I see. I’ll revoke my statement about it.

So yeah, to reiterate what people have said, Vetex is probably planning the story progression, islands, etc for Nimbus Sea. A long time ago, Tech confirmed that he and Vetex already cooked up the entire storyline for Nimbus Sea. It’s likely right now, he’s just fine-tuning the story progression, also including islands and story quests.

Main story isnt everything in the Nimbus Sea, there’s also side storylines and quests, each one still having some importance to the overall exploration, worldbuilding and even to the main story. Then, he has to make the islands where such quests will be on.

Every quest, not just main story, has importance, and even more so in the Nimbus Sea. Vetex revealed Order of Aesir isnt gonna be the main focus in Nimbus Sea, meaning he has to also consider making some Order barons or even High Lords accessible through side storylines, which is kinda implied in one post he made introducing the Order. And we also need to remember there’s also some other side storylines that are set up for Nimbus Sea such as the Captain Arwald quest.

Oh, and don’t forget bosses as well. He has to plan ideas for movesets and stuff.

There’s a lot of planning and fine-tuning to do, quests, islands, story, bosses, etc. So for now, Vetex is in brainstorm mode alongside Tech.

Though, I personally don’t mind him getting breaks. I mean, tf, he keeps updating the trello notes at 1am-2am several times in his timezone, worst cases are up to 4am. He works full time on AO and man, he deserves some good breaks every now and then. Also, its thanksgiving.

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gonna take him 3-4 months imo for nimbus sea part 1 to release