What’s your problem with the storyline?

for morden and neviro’s journals specifically, they were made into books because there was never really going to be a good opportunity for them to elaborate on these journeys. If it were an actual written book series, they would probably tell you while you’re on the way to Sameria or something like that, but since its a game its better to do it as findable journals. Otherwise yeah you’re right, the story is told from the perspective of things the player knows and sees


its just because the lore doc was copy pasted into the arcane chronicles book and some parts were left in it by mistake, it was corrected a while ago


if I were to play devil’s advocate… why is that bad exactly?

(besides the creation of a power vacuum)

a ton of people have this impression with lore in general, when they don’t know everything about the story and verse they yell plothole even if its something the player isnt meant to know yet


because you’re genociding an entire fucking country because ONE GUY killed like 23 people.

Typ this isn’t a “devil’s advocate” or “what’s actually BAD about it?” situation this is a "slaughtering an entire country based off the actions of few is morally, logically and logistically bankrupt

I mean morally it might be bad but politically I don’t think anyone would care that much if keraxe is totally gone right?

I actually don’t fully understand how important Keraxe is I think they’re just all like barbarians or something

It would be funny tho (/j)

typ politically literally everyone would be trying to kill you if you can straight up kill an entire country’s population.

Not to mention the fact that at least two countries would go “what the fuck do you not understand the meaning of the word ‘innocents’ go kill yourself if I don’t kill you first”

Uniting the entire war seas via making killing you every kingdom’s common goal would be an extremely funny goal to have.

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Actually I’d assume the opposite

most people seem to hate keraxe so if our theoretical vigilante could just… wipe em with XYZ then wouldn’t people be trying to recruit them desperately? that’s a lot of power

and also keraxe can’t pillage anymore places which is nice (though a power vacuum is pretty likely)

morally I don’t think anyone cares lmao

(I dunno why chaos decided to blow up akursius keep and I doubt it was actually chaos that did it but aight)

unfortunately after your death it’ll be just like the continuation books of Ender’s Game where literally every country is trying to kidnap the kids to have their own supercommanders

typ. I get you sometimes have moments but JESUS CHRIST. Even ignoring your political statements (seriously dude stop and think) HOW THE FUCK DO YOU THINK THAT GENOCIDING ALL OF KERAXE IS MORALLY OK? HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF THE TERM “INNOCENT BYSTANDER”?

tpy0 got infected with the opticalcord virus

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well I kinda just see it as a net positive

and besides chances are most keraxians just grow up and turn into more nuisances who pillage and destroy so why not kill em while they’re weak and fodder to just make it easy?

This explains everything.

I don’t think I’d be able to even have the capacity to think if I was infected with the optical cord virus

typ that’s literal racism

like genuine, full on fucking racism

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Replace Keraxians with any real life group of people and then reread what you just said.

I feel like this mindset may have been used by somebody about 70ish years ago.


it appears my edgy hero arc has accidentally turned into a real life parallel to history :sleeper: