What’s your problem with the storyline?

you just now realized you’re suggesting ethnic cleansing.

I mean I thought it was cool, like, me killing all the keraxians because they seem like the bad guys

but now that I think about it I don’t know how fun it would be watching thousands of families being vaporized from my ultimate arts

next you’re gonna say you thought using poison clouds for their massive size and effectiveness would be the most efficient way to “solve the problem”.

I think a power vacuum requires a position of power in need to be filled, a position that probably doesn’t exist anymore cause you killed everyone that gave that position its power and everyone that power presides over.

actual poison cloud tick damage is really underwhelming so that would be a really inefficient (and laggy) way to go about it

sorry funny German dude you’re kinda not cooking this time

the (many) Summerhold incident(s).

okay in my defenses:

-they were cringe and I’m based and skibidimaxxed

-I mean so far they really did seem like absolutely massive assholes that nobody likes, even one of the NPCs calls them a “war hungry people”, which, led me to think that it would be a good idea to just kill em all because they don’t sound very reasonable to begin with

dawg im pretty sure this used to be an actual arguement for slavery if you replaced kill with enslave

Bro put away the shovel the hole is deep enough


that’s annoying

I have to let the bad guys live because if I don’t then now I’M the badguy

its almost like commiting ethnic cleansing to get rid of a people who in your eyes is the cause of multiple evils is bad, I wonder if theres been any dictators with funny mustaches who’ve thought like you before…

Wow, typical black and white thinking huh…

well I haven’t seen a single keraxian do something actually good for the world yet so until then I’m just gonna start nuking jountenheim or wherever they crawled out of when it gets released

there will be no civilization just flat baseplate

literally the keraxian tourist who told us stuff about Keraxe:


The only reason we know their capital is Jotunheim.

wait are we talking about that dumbass who lost her bag?

bro I thought she was from somewhere else :skull:


yes that dumbass

bro she literally says she’s from Keraxe :skull:

I skimmed through her dialogue, sorry :stuck_out_tongue:

man I’m not sure what to do now

do I nuke keraxe to avenge port mistral?

or do I keep it as is because of that one lady who paid me like a handful of coins to find her purse?

I mean on one hand I can always just destroy 1 town in keraxe as retribution and call it even