What’s your problem with the storyline?

Broke the same rule twice in a few days, after being informed that it was a rule by the rest of the forum

what rule bro u guys are a bunch of crybabies

Do NOT ping Vetex under any circumstances

wtver ig i really could care less

my guy got both offscreen’d (although reasonably), AND it was by a no-name. Disrespected

Vetex sure loves doing things offscreen and never showing us it

mfw when a character from many years before the story is offscreened :exploding_head:

Vetex demonstrates how to reverse show don’t tell

You mean just tell? Lol


My admin… A second vetex ping has hit the forums…

that wouldn’t make much sense considering his men pillaged and killed dozens of innocents at Mistral.

call me an extremist, but the keraxian plague must be eradicated.

Yes, I do exclusively sink keraxe viking ships, how could you tell?

I dunno, they seem like decent guys.

Are you sure? they literally are called “a war hungry people”

if they want war then I’d be more than happy to mass murder their women and children and render all forms of their culture absolutely blown asunder! :grin:

(I guess this is what genocide is but chances are there is no reasoning with them so I might still be in the right)

(actually in retrospect there’s a lot of reasons as to why this might be a bad idea)

me when i dont understand that the story is told from the player’s perspective and isn’t an anime that will cut to show you things happening across the sea randomly that your player would have no idea of


no he did not lol, if he was killed in combat then it would be well known and the player would have heard of it, he was taken by the grand navy for his crimes against the war seas and thats all you are meant to know for now


if you had to say from a dev’s perspective who would you feel like is currently the most fleshed out and written character for the story overall and who is the least?

(from the pool of characters we have already met)

its not the equivalent of the grand line in the slightest, its constantly raining literal poison there and its full of cannibalistic mutated humans, characters in the story have no reason to go out there unless they’re stupid or so powerful that those things don’t matter to them


he was referring to the treaty specifically here, the Order keeps surface level “peace” but also instigates or causes wars that could benefit them or their goal


Typ I hate to break it to you but genociding an entire country just because their king destroyed a single small port town is a terrible idea