What’s your problem with the storyline?

Wait don’t the keraxe have 5 curses or am I tripping


I mean it was a relevant ping and if I replied to him it would’ve done the same thing

True, even the crew has some dialogue that goes like: “The riches we will get make this all worth it!”

thats because canonically its believed to have great treasures due to being the remains of what i call the ‘old world’

I’m assuming that’s just a gameplay mechanic for immersion now :sob:

i hope the order will actually prepare their ‘army’ and actually launch an entire attack on the player at once instead of slowly sending over progressively stronger troops to kill us… which the player just defeats with ease and gets overpowered from the exp gain

no seriously, i always see a ‘storyline’ in a game/animation where, this someone that poses a threat to a group of people slowly picks off the group one by one and getting stronger each time
there is no moment where the group thought to just, oh i dont know, rally their entire army and attack instead of sending a constant supply of progressively stronger exp fodder to their enemy the moment they get new fodder?

because they are referencing the in-game feature of looting, there are many dialog things in-game that only exist to make it accurate to the gameplay, for example awakenings are a gameplay thing yet warren has to fully explain how they work because its a part of the game


usually when this happens in plotlines, its because the group is sending people to deal with the main character and they think “surely this person will be enough to stop them”, and it isn’t, and then by the time they start taking the character seriously its already kind of too late

though its different for the Order, they aren’t some kind of formulated army, they work in the background of everything and nobody (even warren) knew they existed until now. as for the current storyline, the Order is still finding out about the player’s group and what they did to Calvus/Argos, so it wouldn’t really make sense for them to send a whole army or something right now, especially since the Order is busy with the Keraxe/Sameria war as well


How can anyone say there are plot holes in the story when the story isn’t even finished yet

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then it doesnt have to be all of the people with every so slightly power differences

if the group is smart enough, they would send out around 2 troops at most, maybe 3 (some weak fodder to deal with the threat if it isnt too big, and then the very-strong-but-not-overpowered-that-they-are-rare-to-come-by unit) before deciding ‘yeah, this guy is an actual threat’ and launch a big-scale attack

its like going “ermmm this road isnt safe to drive on” when its not fully built yet

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I think the fact that the dark sea is dangerous is what makes it interesting though since there’s a lot of potential for conflict, tension, high stakes, and etc. You could even do a horror-themed storyline.

I also think it would be dumb if characters just went to the dark sea for fun too. But they don’t have to sail there just for the sake of exploring or to “talk to ghosts.” Learning about the ghosts and their pasts could be a side thing that deepens the story and exploration. There could be other in-story reasons to do go there.

For example, if a character needed a special ingredient to save someone. Or if someone was lured into the dark sea by some evil entity. There’s a lot of things you could do with it plot-wise. I just think it’s a bit unfortunate that there’s this really cool setting in the story but there’s nothing being done with it story-wise. All we have is us collecting black shards for Enizor LOL.


Thanks for adding more reasoning to it talking to ghosts wasn’t my best point lmao

My issue lies in Randal breaking the fourth wall in ‘The Arcane Chronicles’ and calling the realm of its creator “our own universe” as if he was transported from the real world into arcane odyssey’s.

i’m so glad vetex doesn’t listen to his community sometimes

isn’t randal like super old and capable of watching the world through plants trees just overall natural environments or something

He indeed is of great age and has amassed a wealth of knowledge far beyond what even his own, grown body, could handle but I don’t see how such a thing combined with this peculiar ability of his can lead him to discover:

  • That there is a realm managing the one which he belongs to
  • The history of our own world and its science (which even some of us don’t even know of)


Vetex manipulates the universe of arcane odyssey as its overseer and true creator, this is made canon due to Randal referring to the real world as “our own universe” inside of ‘The Arcane Chronicles’ as it breaks the fourth wall and brings us -including vetex- into the story of arcane odyssey.
This therefore implies that our realm manages his.