What’s your problem with the storyline?

wild theory bro i don’t think it’s true though

I agree, which is why it’s the only issue that I have with the storyline.

Maybe this is just because on AO’s release I was playing with a bunch of friends who skipped through the dialogue and if I didn’t speedread it then I’d end up missing the boss fight, but I honestly found the story pretty hard to follow.

Most characters in the story up to the calvus fight (which was practically the story’s finale on release day) have very little screen time and end up developing a whole bunch off-camera.

Take Morden for example, I’d barely remembered who he was when meeting him at sailors lodge, and then he doesn’t reappear until breaking you out of prison, where he changes outfit to an edgy black suit with a bandana and suddenly has the death curse. Neviro was even worse, only having his one appearance on cirrus island, only to appear for the jailbreak scene in a completely different outfit and ‘die’ a few seconds later. Neither me nor my friends recognized him from earlier in the story.

Keep in mind I had to speedread a lot of dialogue boxes, especially if there was a boss coming afterwards, but I think it would help if the characters had a bit more appearances, especially if they’re gonna have significant development coupled with a wardrobe overhaul off-screen.

90% of the story is formed from dialog so i think its 90% your fault that you didnt know whats happening :skull:


yes, that is why it made no sense

Beringer tells him where to find it

i do agree there should be some cutscenes while you’re in the mines of the characters developing


It wasn’t that bad of an idea bro relax also it was just a guess :skull:

I think you’re right in the sense that these pieces of dialogue are necessary and cannot completely removed, but ideally there has to be thematic consistency - the exposition dump must feel as though it is being uttered by a person in the world to another person in the world and not as a mouthpiece of the author speaking to the reader/player. This requires the author’s personal image of the world that they built to be extremely clear, detailed and precise or they will never be able to reach this level of exact consistency. It also requires an understanding of real world politics, sociology, etc., even if only a rudimentary one. Again I haven’t played the game’s recent update yet so I don’t know if what I’m saying is outdated but in earlier games it did feel like there was this incompleteness to the games, especially since I could perceive that with stuff like AA/OF the gameplay took a backseat to simply re-depicting “cool” elements of other different anime with a spin. Obviously it was way better by the time AO dropped but the feeling is still there, perhaps because the story is still connected to those other stories.

I don’t even play AO right now (what am I even doing here, I know) but as of the last time that I played it Vetex had some characters’ backstories be elaborated upon using these notes that could be found on the ground, and I think that was the most egregious example of this. Besides the fact that sporadically forsaking the current storytelling medium (the game’s dialogue, quests, animation cutscenes, imagery) for a simpler one (simple boring text on a piece of white paper) either demonstrates a lack of creativity, laziness, or inadequate planning, this is specifically bad because the story content within these chopped bits of exposition would be more effectively utilized in the main story.

Vetex isn’t lazy or inadequate, I think he innately knows this and thus tried to restrict the exposition in the notes to things that the player wouldn’t know about/wouldn’t need to know about to comprehend the main story, but it’s still such a shame.

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“This unfinished story is unfinished!”

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Yeah, the book gives its message towards the actual player and not to the character, which breaks immersion to a degree. I know vetex doesn’t want to rewrite it because it is actually just a copy and paste from the lore doc. “Just like our earth” or something along those lines gave me a whiplash.

you guys are underestimating Randal’s power. this man has had a curse for a long time, think him learning how to use it in order to ascend beyond the game and break the 4th wall isn’t a possibility?

look outside. see that tree? that could be him.

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so like, this wasn’t part of their plan, and it actually hindered their progress instead of boosting it


Now this makes me wonder are there particular nations the order is interested in, or they simple target everyone

I have to ask, how does a Ravennean king’s death break down relations between Keraxe and Sameria?

well keep in mind that Calvus, one of only 4 high lords, didn’t really want the war to happen.

his death is the reason it’s happening.

i’m sure their thought process is something like this:

We’re the Order, we have control over Ravenna. Ravenna extends greetings over to other kingdoms. We parasitize our way onto those kingdoms, etc. etc., passing on and on like a nasty infection so they’re soon all over the 7 Seas.

but now that Calvus is dead, not only are those connections severed, but people are also on high alert, so they’re gonna be less likely to trust some random guy who goes “hi I’m John Doe from a top secret organization called the Order, wanna be a 5th High Lord?”

less connections, less control, less plans going into fruition.

that’s my take anyway

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i think it was a 3-way treaty or something, and Keraxe, being war-hungry, is itching to invade whatever. since Calvus died, the 3-way peace treaty falls apart and everything’s in shambles, which is the perfect time for war thirsting Keraxe to strike.

either that or Ravenna served as a sort of bridge between Keraxe and Sameria, acting as that one person who steps in between a fight, holding both parties back.

It’d also make sense for the Order’s plans of control because then, if Ravenna has interconnections between both parties, they can get their grubby little hands all up in there too

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I guess that checks since supposedly Ravenna’s navy is cracked so they could probably deal enough dmg to Keraxe to make attacking Sameria not worth it. The collapse of the chain of command would probably prevent them from intervening.

yeah, especially since Ravenna is absolutely in shambles right now. Their king died, their prince is nowhere to be found, their strongest general and lead of their biggest base of operations is dead, etc. etc.

And it’ll only get worse. I guarantee General Julian is going to be murdered, because we are FOR SURE going to end up killing him eventually.

Ravenna’s essentially screwed over, or at least it’s current ruling. Neviro is probably going to get it back on track… somehow, but that still won’t quite solve the Keraxe-Sameria situation, because I highly doubt Neviro will garner control of Ravenna’s navy that quickly.

So it’s kind of up to us, which is obviously what the plot has set up for us, with Sameria entrusting us in this war and our hands basically being forced.

After we do our thing, probably kill the leader of Keraxe or something, someone else will take Keraxe over, but by that time, Neviro will probably have control over Ravenna’s fleet and everything’s gonna go back to normal.

I’m actually really curious about how we are going to be defeating Wotan. It definitely won’t be just us, since according to Warren, they are on equal footing. If that is true, that means that the wood curse user is equal to the inferno curse user. (we don’t actually know if Warren actually has the Inferno curse but I think it’s pretty obvious).

Assuming we fight Wotan at the end of Vimir (so roughly in the 350s), we are not gonna be anywhere close to how strong he is.

Im betting warren kills him.
Or maybe wotan doesnt die at all