What’s your problem with the storyline?

I wonder why they chose Ravenna of all nations when there are clearly stronger and more convincing canditates

Probably because they’re in the Order and both factions likely understand that messing with Ravenna might result in some insidious things happening to them.

I’d assume most nations have a grasp that the Order exists, and are either aligned or neutral to them because making enemies of them is basically a death wish.

It was probs easier for them at the time. Calvus rose to power when he was just 11, making him far more susceptible to others’ influence compared to other candidates. Not only that, Calvus was desperate and needed power. Its was a win win scenario for both.

Meanwhile, Wotan is far too powerful and probably too stubborn to join their ranks. I dont think his goals would align with theirs. Order’s goal is to push the limits of magic and power, not as a means to an end but as an end itself. Wotan uses it as a means to an end, which is to conquer. He wouldnt be interested I think.

Sameria seems to have a good ruler that probably wont be okay with the Order’s methods. She seems to have a tight knit group of generals that looks like they wouldnt go behind her back. Of course, this is just judging from first impressions, but she seems like a kind ruler herself (I mean compare Tiberia and Amarut, the latter is faring well despite not being as prosperous as the other towns. Theres a whole quest about how the other towns are assisting them)

Seeing more of that would be great

Sorry, what I meant is why Ravenna, of all nations, decided to mediate a peace between Sameria or Keraxe

This question extends to the Order itself: Why does the Order choose to prevent wars in the War Seas? As Calvus states that the Order is actively keeping the War Seas from falling into chaos. How does keeping order benefit them?

As of right now… I actually cant give a proper explanation. Maybe its what some of the people in this group want to do (as Rill Hendrix would tell you that not everyone in an organization is the same). Maybe its how they resurrected from the brink, by taking advantage of the chaos and provide a way out, allowing their influence to spread amongst the kingdoms.

It might be the latter. Or both.

Ravenna during Calvus’ reign was at its weakest. Its not unreasonable for him to want the closest kingdoms, both of which are more powerful than his kingdom and one is run by a conqueror, to sign a peace treaty that will at least last during his life time so neither of them steamroll Ravenna while its unprepared.

There are possibly order related reasons too and Calvus may have been the only ruler of those three kingdoms that was actually in the order so they just kinda had to go with Ravenna making the treaty. But its possible this is mostly just what Calvus wanted rather than something the order cared about.

Calvus states that the War Seas need the Order to function after mentioning the treaty, so it implies the treaty was also in the Order’s interests

i get the feeling wotan won’t be a boss fight, and instead we’ll fight one of his sons at the end of the vimir sea story- that son might be a high lord that needs killing

yes i’d love to have story in a randomly generated area that we have 0 purpose to go to whatsoever!!1

Yeah, Calvus was left in the worst era for Ravenna, they had the crown thrusted onto a child, they had lost many of their strongest Generals at Cassia Town, and they no longer were the hegemon of the Bronze Sea. If you really think about it, Calvus is a great leader for having restored some form of a Ravennan Power, being “strong” enough (or just close enough to the Order) to have Sameria and Keraxe sign a treaty.

I mean, I’m still a massive believer that the Grand Navy (and the Kingdom that preceded it) are under the control or the Order, and that’s why peace is maintained. I assume the Order made the entire seas sign treaties with the Grand Navy to allow for them to access the best possible candidates, or else I’m not sure nations would be too keen on losing citizens with high potential to greatly serve the nation being kidnapped.

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Dude it can just be like the grand line for one piece

errr i have no idea how are we saving a kingdom taking down a government base and fighting the fake god of the sky in the dark sea

we’ve already done most of those though.

we saved Ravenna from the Order, and Frostmill from melting, and Redwake from losing their main food supply, etc. etc.

We’ve taken down something greater than a government base; an entire kingdom.

We’ve not only gone to a sky island, but we’ve also fought various people who have blessings from the Gods (Magics and Curses, with the only semi-Curse user we’ve fought being Calvus, but that’s still someone), which could easily make them seem on a similar power level to a false god.

Yeah we’re literally Luffy.

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I don’t see why we wouldn’t go to the equivalent of the grand line tbh

Because theres nothing but death there

I don’t see why you couldn’t make some game mechanics canon like making it so going to the dark sea is a massive risk but successfully doing so could make you like a millionaire

Or as other people have pointed out you could have some regents that could make powerful potions to cure injuries and illnesses

Like look at hunter hunter for example the dark continent is a place there that’s practically suicide to visit but has things like plants that cure diseases and so on

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not in the dark sea though

saved in quotation marks

Is this information directly stated in the game, inferred from game content, elaborated on by Vetex('s friends), or gotten somehow else? I’m not very caught up on what the story is supposed to be thus far.