What’s your problem with the storyline?

On Blasted rock you can find a journal next to a dead body detailing how Ravenna barely managed to fend off an invading kingdom and ended up losing two generals, one of which with a pretty good curse, as well as Calvus’ father which caused Calvus to take the throne at 15 I believe?

And I believe during the part of the game where you’re in the mines one of the prisoners tells you how early in Ravenna’s history they went to war with Winterveil and they did succeed and took them out, but I’m pretty sure Nero(Calvus’ grandfather) died in a fight with Kessler who is Neviro’s ancestor and former ruler of Winterveil. Not sure if I’m remembering that right, but regardless Nero isn’t around no more and as a result Ravenna no longer has the apocalypse curse which is a pretty bad loss. Not as crippling as the losses at blasted rock, but still not good.

It’d be extremely funny if Wotan somehow turned out to be a good guy that’s just been seeking to destroy tyrannical rulers and Nilah has been puppeteering us around to complete her dirty work for her.


That’d be a nice lil twist

i mean unless warren’s brainwashed that aint happening

kessler died, nero won. the fight was at munera which is why the island is cracked and allat

I thought they both died

I know that

Most people both in real life and in fantasy want some sort of order, the central question is often the nature of that order and the power interactions that keep that order in place. Vetex doesn’t say what mode of production* Ravenna sustains itself by, but whichever it is probably isn’t good for most of its citizens seeing the state of the citizenry when the main character was there. A TL:DR of my thoughts on the matter is that something as crude as a slave society is technically ordered, just woefully to the advantage of the parasitic freemen and to the detriment of the slaves. That they should want some sort of order is realistic - most people want to live a life free of stress and anxiety. It would be if they were thoughtless agents of “chaos” that were edgy for edginess’ sake that I would call Vetex a hack writer and move on.

*I’m guessing Ravenna is a feudal society based on the fact that fiction writers tend to absolutely hate this particular aspect of worldbuilding and write their worlds based on already existing fictional stereotypes circulating around them, but the real Rome was a slave society so this is neither here nor there.

maybe they did

just kessler died to my knowledge, he’d nuked winterveil after that battle

Yeah that makes more sense, I was rereading Gallio’s(the guy who talks to you in the mines) dialogue and saw the part where Nero nuked winterveil and thought itd be kinda weird if Kessler had just kinda fucked off while that happened. Do we know what actually happened to Nero then?

Okay I’m reading the wiki and nothing about it said there even in the comments and even if the wiki can be wrong that’d be a weird thing to leave out so I’m guessing we don’t know what happened to him.

I have absolutely no idea.

Nero died to a currently unnamed curse user

Damn L

Nah, Kessler died, then Nero went “yeah I cant let these mfs live actually” and killed everyone

Yeah I figured that out

It’s stated in chunks of lore,
The Worst era coming from the fact that the Thorne Empire not only eradicated a whole Ravennan Village, but also Ravenna’s best Curse and Magic users all in one battle, not to forget the fact that King Caesar died here.
(Stated in the journal of that one corpse in Cassia Town)

The Ravennan power being strong enough to enforce a treaty between Keraxe and Sameria is stated in the game’s story, and is the reason that the Nimbus Sea arc is based around the second Keraxe-Sameria war

Dude this would be sick. @Vetex please consider this. If we could get anything story wise out of the darksea it would be sick. Or even just make a book on ensizor or any character traveling the darksea. It would be awsome I also really enjoyed reading mordens books by the way. Getting to know him more makes way more build up for the story.

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thats the second vetex ping

Dude/girl/whatever, you’re about to get tactical nuked off this forum

probably not