What's a fun AO fact you know?

I got some fun facts to start:

In the story parts prior to the fight with Shura, the sea around the Jaws will be tinted green- the same color as Shuras Acid magic. As you know, Shura is the reason Redwake was having trouble with hunting game.

You can find more story consistency like this at Frostmill. The top of Frostmill will have multiple parts that are steaming before you meet Iris- because she is still actively melting the island.

Shoot out some of your own fun facts.


gravy members still have to get a bounty from a board to get all of the renown arresting without the poster will give you a decreased amount

People who play AO never touch grass and half of the community has fatherless behaviour

Since the update, ship flags are now animated

Here’s my previous list:

And a new dark seas one:
Life regent (Love regent) spawns on dead skeletons in the dark sea


Fun facts only found in quest descriptions:

  • MC had no intention to defeat Shura. Dude did not know of their true power and was actually on the defense the entire time and was planning to escape
    (quest description says to “defend long enough to escape”, not “Defeat Shura”)

  • Neviro didnt do nothing in the Ravenna story arc. The description reveals that Neviro and MC fought off the incoming guards in their way when running to the throne room. (Couldnt be added in cutscene ig)

  • MC didnt just happen to run into General Argos, they were straight up looking for him. The quest description goes into detail about how MC discovered Iris’ father have been executed, Beringer being tortured. After all that, the quest desc specifically states the goal is to find General Argos’ quarters. They were out for blood.

  • The battle against Carina was described to be a “long and ardeous duel”, kind of confirming the belief that MC getting knocked out by Julian so easily was because they were tired from the fight with Carina.

  • MC was also left battered and exhausted from the fight with Calvus, which makes the following feats they performed afterwards very impressive. Seems like someone learned from their mistakes from Carina’s fight, lol (or they learned from the exhausting work in the mines for one month)

  • Quest title and also parts of the quest description during the Prison Arc kinda sounds like MC was very bored lol.

  • MC did not understand a single thing with the Poseidon events and skimmed over the details when explaining to Warren as they were afraid that explaining everything would make them sound as if they’ve gone bonkers.

EDIT: Theres this too, didnt add it earlier as I thought it didnt matter, but Im gonna add it in.

  • After fighting Carina, they actually followed what she said and was indeed going to Ravenna Castello, quest desc states to go to Ravenna Castello safely. Mission failed, lol.
    (seriously… couldnt they tell that was a taunt to lure them to a trap?)

  • Seemingly genuine at wanting to help with Mayor Tilly being kidnapped event, despite it being none of their business and was unrelated to the Order of Aesir stuff. (Idk if this counts, sounds more headcanon-y, but it was in my list so eh. Forgive me if it was)


holy sh, the amount of time you spend just to find all these small details and make a lot of good theories for AO, big RESPECT for you :+1: :+1:

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damn nice observations

no, those are just ship jacks that change with the color of your clan

Please, can i have some more?

I’m not sure if this is a well known fact or not but I find it interesting how someone (possibly a remaining Winterveil survivor) made an attempt to repair Munera Garden, but unfortunately they got arrested before completely repairing it.

It’s really sad… (got this from the wiki btw)

Idk if I’m dumb and didn’t make this connection before hand but:

Askew roots and cloud roots appear after we pick up ingredients because we’re pulling the ingredients up from the ground when harvesting, which exposes the root.


Here’s my next one.

King Octavious Caesar is King Calvus IV, the Fourth, in spite of the fact he is the Third king of Ravenna in his family with the name Caesar.

Nero Caesar, founder of Ravenna, death unknown

King Octavious Caesar, Successor, father of Calvus, died in the war with the Thorne Empire

King Calvus Caesar, Most recent, Died to you. You killed his ass.

Nero is stated to be Calvus’ grandfather, so we know of the two generations. It is possible, that before the kingdom was Ravenna it was something else entirely, meaning the first King Caesar was the first King Caesar of a different kingdom.

some prop ships docked at islands still have their sails down; they’re just invisible so it looks like they’re up

the only reason i found out about this is because i ran into an invisible sail while airdashing.


Okay, that is super interesting

It might’ve been Neviro, as he stopped there for a while, and his diary states he feels somewhat detached from the thing afterwards, which was probs what prompt him to stop. It was probably him (I mean, dude did manage to build a damn rowboat to leave Windrow all by himself from Windrow’s trees while we were going around trying to get our Awakening… wait, am I the only one who knew this? Fan fact there too ig)

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i’m pretty sure i remember either Nero or Kessler (the 2 who fought) tried to repair it

Oohh, that actually makes a lot of sense! I never thought about this despite reading his journal over and over again :eyes:

Ngl even though none of these fun facts are necessary to really understand the lore and story, they really add to our understanding of it, especially the quest descriptions listed earlier. It also fleshes out the MC a bit more, giving them a sort of character development that I didn’t expect to find in AO. It just goes to show the many small details that go into make an engaging game, and furthermore, a story. Bravo Vetex!


while snow magic is able to inflict frozen on freezing targets, ice magic in unable to inflict frozen on snowy targets