What's the forums opinion on DOORS

Me and my siblings love to play horror games on Roblox so it’s pretty neat

It literally released in alpha like three weeks ago. It’s being actively updated. First overhauling rooms 1-100 and then continuing onto 100+

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Fucking 1/2000 chance nearly got me killed by rush

damnit you might as well have used all that luck to get a sunken :rofl:

Wait this is a game?

Bruv I been thinking this was about actual doors

like these doors

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I thought that when I first opened the post as well.

Go play it’s epic


Seriously this is an impressive amount of necros for one day lol

I hate screech so much I’m making my review of it a forum quotable

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Every Single Time I Experience That Single Celled Organism Shithead I Want To Bash The Shit Out Of It Into A Wall Until All The Muscles Stops Twitching


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Same here

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I hate horror games but I think it’s decent.

psst :


often people die (at 20-50 rooms), and because of that i usually ignore rush when he is about to kill me (because i scared to play alone).
Good game, 9.71/10



ambush + lag = i can never beat this bloody game

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I personally like NicoNextbots better

make ambush a nextbot >:)

very well made, but extremely repetitive
there’s so few random elements that i honestly thought it was the same layout every time at first, playing with other people doesnt really change anything, the currency barely has a point…

its good, but i do think its wasted potential that they didnt use these nice mechanics and assets to turn it into some sort of infinite dungeon thing with random events instead of a good looking short game where you hold w and hide every minute or so. idk add more monsters or something

They’re like only tangentially related though like one is an arcade horror game and the other is a gmod gamemode the only thing connecting them is that two of the monsters in DOORS are flat textures.