Which of these would you like to see as an Arcane universe short story?

Got a few ideas I’ve been chewing on, and thanks to @cubed , I got the motivation to finally ask and see if anyone has interest in reading something less artistic and more dedicated to the actual storycraft. (Context)

(It’s not that I dislike the story for that project, it’s just that the story couldn’t be very long or engaging by the nature of the more artsy elements taking up more time in the project)

I practice writing daily, and I think I’m getting pretty close to a point I can start writing my own books, but I’m not gonna slack on my practice. Story will likely be a few thousand words minimum.

Enough talk, here’s the ideas:

1. A story of a recruit mage during a bloody battle in a war.


  • Explore how having mages and people who can cut houses in half changes the tactics and chaos of an actual battlefield
  • Explore possible military segregation between people who can use magic and people who do not
  • Explore how Awakenings would be treated and trained by senior members of the army?
  • Try to illustrate an epic and chaotic set piece of how crazy a battle of thousands of people with different magics would look from the perspective of a regular person.

2. A story of Swindler from Tiberia cheating and lying his way to riches so he can escape poverty


  • Create a protagonist who is clearly a bad person, but still likable.
  • Attempt to convey intelligence through actions.
  • Play with the Unreliable Narrator trope (The story from the perspective of a liar, may itself contain lies.)

3. A doomed Expedition into the Dark Sea, from the perspective of multiple characters


  • Develop multiple likable characters in a short span of time (then kill them)
  • Explore how horrifying an environment like the Dark Sea would be from the perspective of the everyman
  • Include some Cosmic Horror elements with crazy sea monsters and weather that defy conventional description.
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

0 voters

Number 1 and 2 sound interesting, number 3 sounds like a story I would write XD

Guess I see why it’s currently winning!

If I were you, I’d do number 1 as a spinoff. An introduction, like this:

Good morning, men. If you are watching this, it means you have been drafted into the Ravenna Navy.
We seperate our Navy into 3 parts:
Fist and Bones
Steel and Blood
Magic and Tactics.

-something like that.

Then, number 2 could be a real series, a short one if you want.

not joking when I say this, like 60% of my stories are mad depressing…

Oh well, that’s swell!

And if you’re serious, I could try and help you write, like I do with Sandal. Currently giving him some ideas for his own story, maybe we can partner up too?

Although, honestly, you’re probably the better writer, I’m just offering help if you’d need it.

I never considered myself a real writer until I got my friends to shed tears over one of my short stories.

See what I mean? :sob:

Not really I just think it makes me sound kinda mean, but at the same time, it was a long time goal of mine.

It’s almost every writers dream to make someone get emotional when reading their stories. I don’t know if I’ll live long enough to accomplish it myself, and I’m not old at all.

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It just takes time. Investment is probably the best way. At that point my friends had been invested in the story a good 5~ish months before I basically massacred an entire group of beloved characters. No survivors. It was very brutal, and very sudden and really struck them deep. The worst part was due to the setting there was a part where the protagonits got to meet up with them again in a sort of pseudo afterlife and help them enjoy one last day of normalcy before they crossed to the other side.

Now most people reading that synopsis obviously won’t get emotional, but if you had been reading that story in full over the course of five months, it would definitley be quite a gut punch to see characters like that go. I find that drawing emotion from death can best happen by witnessing how it effects people. Like, some people would get emotional if a beloved character dies alone on a hill, I believe far more would get emotional if a beloved character died and you had to watch how that death affected and changed the people closest to them.

That’s cold.


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…And now I’ve been inspired once again to write ;-;

Oh well.

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Good luck, enjoy crafting your own stories.

Most interested in 2, though I wouldn’t mind 1

I don’t want you killing off likable character though

1 and 3 are the most interesting to me, 2 is fine but you can find that in pretty much every much everywhere else

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Well let’s not get that far ahead, first they have to be likable before I would even consider killing them in most cases.

1 because I really REALLy want to know what happens when people with pocket nukes attack one another.

Did two concept drafts for the most popular ones:

Rough draft pieces if you will

Dark Sea Expedition

I picked up Kreels diary yesterday. Couldn’t stand looking at it in the corner of that dusty, empty cabin. As the days grow on and rations grow tighter, I keep thinking about the night the waves took him. Will I end up like that, forgotten, claimed by the sea, just another victim, another cautionary tale? This book is all I have to prove I was here, that I am not some missing poster on a bulletin board- I’m human. Still, I can’t look at the earlier pages. I miss Kreel horribly, and everytime I see the words he wrote my heart aches fiercly.

I decided to start on this page, right after his last. My name is Larnus Bronze. I’ve worked merchant vessels for six years, having picked up the job just as I turned ten. I’m sixteen now. Captain says I’m mature for my age, but sailing the world has a way of aging you, both in mind and body. That woman we picked up from Frostmill has spent her last few days staring into the dark fog around the boat. Hasn’t said anything, barely touched food or drink, she’s just staring into the fog.

I asked her why today, and she says sometimes, she can see large shadows moving within. Now I can’t even look off the side of the boat anymore. I don’t want to catch a glimpse of whatever she is watching out there.

(End draft)

War Piece

“In Magical warfare revolving around a naval invasion of a fort or island, do you know what group has the highest casualty count? The Barrier Troop. Mages of Earth, Metal, Ice, Sand and Wood. Any magic user who can cover that can protect troops landing on boats from arrow and fireball alike. It’s deadly work, but it would be too costly to try to siege forts otherwise.”

“Mages of Water and wind stay with the ships to guide them to shore, or sit on the walls of the fort, trying to twist the tides and gales against oncoming ships-”

Meliana felt her head rock forward before she snapped it back up. Barely conscious, she listened to the instructor babble on and on about magic warfare theory. To alleviate her boredom, she gently ran her hand across the desk, twisting the wood to make small drawings of the various people in the room. From the instructor at the front, book in hand, to the boy next to her, clad in armor, his foot nervously tapping against the ground; she hadn’t even noticed that the instructor had stopped reading until he was peering over her shoulder.

“I appreciate your drive to improve the finite control of your magic, Meliana, but pretty drawings do not stop bullets.”

As the second volley fell upon them, dirt and debris kicked up in her face, she watched the sailors landing behind her small crowd of wooden pillars crumble into the water as the bullets, arrows and blasts tore them apart as soon as they hopped off the rowboats. Someone shot a powerful blast of magma, spewing molten rock on friend and foe alike. Meliana could feel the heat burning away her only safety. With a scream, she tucked her legs in, wrapping her arms around them. The magma blast above seemed to be melting off a part of the fort, she could hear men tumbling from the collapsing outer wall, sickening crunches and meaty thwacks audible just on the other side of the barrier.

Why was she here? What was she doing? Questions from her past self hammered her head as tears welled in her eyes, the fear that all it would take is a single stray blast and it would be over radiated through every fiber of her being. Quietly, on a battlefield so deafening loud, the lonely girl began to sob-

(End draft)

The swindler one would take more work because I have to establish systems that he would then find clever loopholes in to make him come across as intelligent, but believably so. These are the two I got so far. The war one is kinda messy but both would take place kinda ‘midpoint’ in the story. The war one would definitely be longer, and go into way more detail on what exactly mages of various magic types would be doing.


both of the drafts seem very promising, cant wait to see them develop :+1: