Which would win, 1 billion lions or one of every non-mythical and non-legendary pokemon?

Every previous region isn’t limited and I doubt a field is able to resist a force which according to you Infinite reach and near Infinite potential.

That makes me realize, would the pokemon have access to dyna and gigantamax? If so then 900 Kaiju could certainly kill off 1 billion lions.

Only 1 pokemon can gigantamax in a battle per side even then I doubt it would be even close.

they are cuz of game mechanics. You arent hitting anymore of the area cuz the game limits you to that 1 field. When all the lions are on one big field whos to say the earthquake wouldnt hit them all. Youre trying to mix in real life logic with game logic rn which just doesnt work. Furthermore if we’re following real life logic then helping hand would boost the size of the earthquake.

You’re trying to make an argument ad absurdum, you can’t say something with no basis other than hurr durr it hits 5 on a field so it can hit 1 billion. Also Helping Hand explicitly says it only boosts damage.

This isn’t game logic, you’re making completely absurd guesses based on previous game logic, who’s to say there’s not a limit on how many pokemon can fit in a field?

The limiting gigantamax point is valid. But going by game logic only 6 lions can fight 6 pokemon in one battle. Have those 6 pokemon be pseudo-legendaries and I think they’ve got a decent advantage.

S.O.S chain battles

Chain battles can go on indefinitely. Assuming both parties are considered wild, then this battle never ends.

Energy is the current argument with Lions having a limit of 1 billion and Pokemon having 1 of each

bro are youre ignoring literally all my points just to prove your argument is right.

ive literally given you so so so much more info than you. Youre only going off if and not actual data. Ive literally countered all your arguments yet you still say the same thing.
I’ll repeat it one more time for you: In pokemon following pokemon mechanics there’s only 1 field and in that field all pokemon get hit by a spread move like earthquake unless theyre flying/protecting themselves.
In this battle there are 2 types of fields. Either you have 1 MASSIVE field with 1 billion lions vs all the pokemon. Or you have 1v1 fields where garchomp would only hit one enemy.
If we’re talking about the first field then pokemon would easily win. If we’re talking about the 2nd field then i do agree lions would win.

Again all you say is if, you have 0 logic nor basis following your arguments.

Bro i fr told you like 5 times that if we’re following your irl logic then helping hand could not ever only boost the power of the earthquake. How else are you gonna fit one super powerful earthquake in a small area. If it gets stronger it would also get bigger.

it seems people want some sort of standardized rules here so here’s some random ones i came up with in like 2 minutes, use if you want. with it we can scrap the non-mythical and non-legendary thing.

  1. set in the pokemon game universe, anime / movie / other media logic for pokemon is too inconsistent to be used in an argument
  2. theoretical horde battle where you can use all pokemon, switch between them freely, and you fight up to 5 lions at once, theres no battles other than horde that can be used to simulate this, and making up a fake (1 billion vs 700+) horde battle just doesn’t make sense, though if you were to use it, then i’d admit pokemon win with stuff like kyorge using water spout and helping hand.
  3. every time a lion dies its replaced by another one until the horde goes down to 0
  4. no items
  5. give the lions stats like pyroars, but slightly buff em up, since pyroar isn’t the best example of a lion
  6. all pokemon are the same strength they are in battle if you were to fight a wild / use one yourself in the games, this INCLUDES PP, meaning they have limited moves before they are forced to use Struggle
  7. pokedex entries do not count as a way to count a pokemons strength, if magcargos was to be taken literally, the pokemon universe would not be the way it is today, and arceus may be god, but in battle he’s just another pokemon. pokedex is just way too inconsistent to be taken at face value
  8. lions may not be pokemon but for the sake of the argument we kinda have to consider them one, so they would have access to basic dark-type moves like crunch / bite, but their moves wouldn’t be anything unrealistic.
  9. primal / mega / dynamax / z moves are fine, just remember how they work in the games, only one per pokemon per battle.

as for the battlefield, just imagine some theoretical massive land mass that goes on forever

if you wanna argue any other sort of thing make up your own rules, just remember if we’re going to bring pokemon to the real world, there’s lots of inconsistencies within the manga, anime, movies, and other media.


Bro we’ve never seen earthquake or any other spread moves hit more than 5 in a field, saying they can hit 5 isn’t proof of a Sandile being able to take out a mini planet.


That’s not irl logic, show me 1 pokemon game where you can hit more than 5 pokemon in a field. That’s not game logic, you’re hiding behind theoretical game logic pushed to its extremes.

ah alright, thanks for the rules cuz now we can properly go off of what the battle could look like.

theres just this one point i dont agree with. A real life lion would definitely be weaker than a pyroar but other then that id say pretty solid rules list.

Also don’t exactly agree with this cause I think we all agree a Pyroar would body a regular lion.

Due to its moves and attack, yes but lions having less defense than
make no sense

To be fair my mans Yamask is a ghost type. though since we’re giving animals pokemon moves for whatever reason, guess that no longer matters.

Now this is outdated since polar has given us some rules. Anyways if we were to not use those rules. And ill repeat it again since ik you wont read it. IF we were to not use those roles then the field would be the most important. The amount of pokemon on the field would be most important. If lets say theres only 1 pokemon and lion on the field at a time then yes earthquake would only hit one lion. Tho since it would probably be a huge battle the lions would all be on one field with the pokemon. Meaning that the earthquake would hit all the lions. Spread moves dont care about the amount of pokemon, it cares about the amount of pokemon on the field.

your next point is countered by this argument above aswell

if, 2 completely different scenarios.

the rest of that argument is also countered by my first point.

i fully agree with you here. But thats another reason why we shouldnt base em off pyroars tbh.

the reason i bring up it being stronger is not because i think one lion could body a magical fire breathing lion, but instead because of its stats not reflecting a lion and its strengths, like level said, its defense is definitely too low, and its special attack is definitely not that of a pyroar (it’d literally be zero and all of that would go to attack instead)

please explain this then

“the user sets off an earthquake that strikes every pokemon around it”

or another one thats better detailed: “An earthquake that strikes all pokemon in battle excluding the user”