Which would win, 1 billion lions or one of every non-mythical and non-legendary pokemon?

Spread moves have a median of 10pp

bro its a literal earthquake, do you not know how much destruction a boosted earthquake could do? you would need a huge battle ground to get around to dodging that move lmfao

mf do you know how large a billion is?

Earthquakes happen in real life, name a time an Earthquake killed 22,272 people.

mf do you want the lions to fight on an entire planet? bro 300+ helping hands on an earthquake would boost the earthquake to an astonishing size

Yea but u still have to take in that
i’m pretty sure the heat will still seep out of the shell
And i’m pretty sure its bad if u stand near the sun that is only 9 941°F

compare to the 18 000F

Helping hands don’t increase AoE…

nothing near the sun can actually hold heat energy, the temperature would likely be much higher than that if there were things to actually hold that energy
heat doesn’t work in a vacuum just like sound

Doesn’t matter, it would still kill everything on the planet instantly

doesnt even matter since if we’re following game mechanics the earthquake would hit all the lions anyways.

If we’re not gonna listen to how ridiculous that would be we would have to follow real life logic. Helping hand boosting the power of the earthquake would indirectly also boost the size of said earthquake. Would it be logical to have the strongest earthquake known to man be the size of 1 house? I really dont think so lmfao

heat doesn’t work in a vacuum just like sound

yea but we are on earth, where air is a thing

Hitting 5 pokemon in a hoard battle ≠ hitting 1 billion.

You say game logic as if in game you can right now hit 1 billion pokemon

following game mechanics it would. There is no restriction to spread moves.

You can’t argue when you don’t know whether or not that’s true…

Then in a pokemon tournament why doesn’t every spectator just instantly die from the earthquake?

Why are there still pokemon in the grass when you used earthquake, shouldn’t you have hit every single pokemon not in a pc/pokeball in the entire region?

Just realized that the title says no Mythicals or Legendaries, but never said anything about Ultra Beasts…

Uh oh.

when theres only 1-5 pokemon on the field then the move is being limited to said field. With 1 billion lions vs 1 garchomp with earthquake the field would be massive. But it would still be 1 field. Meaning that that garchomp should hit all the lions. It really depends on the battle field which would most likely be 1 massive field. Unless you want garchomp to face off against each lion 1v1 which would seem unreasonable with the amount of lions.

cough dynamax and gigantamax, they literally have arenas in sword and shield that protect the audience

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You realize you’re literally making no sense rn right? In game, only 5 pokemon have been fought in a field, you can’t draw the conclusion that it can hit 1 billion from seeing it hit 5, I’ve said it before already, it’s argument ad absurdum.

dragon’s point sums it up well. The field is literally being limited, why cant you understand that?

And the audience is still nowhere near 1 billion…

so? that doesnt fucking matter when they arent even on the field lmfao